the below code should work, although, you've posted pseudo code, so i can't
check it for any errors.

if you don't print anything to the screen (including error messages, white
space, etc), header() will work.

be aware that any implementation of javascript will be limited to clients
that have javascript turned on, or even available.  i wouldn't be basing
something as simple as a redirect on JS, because of the implications... i'd
be getting the code right on the server.


on 22/05/02 11:19 AM, Hunter Vaughn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Is there any reason I can't just use a JavaScript redirect from a PHP login
> handling script since I can't seem to get the header("Location: URL");
> function to work?  Any security concerns or anything else?  As far as I can
> tell, all calls to header fail as soon as I attain variables based on a POST
> submission.  See example below.
> <?
> $username = $_POST[username];
> $password = $_POST[password];
> if(some username/password format verification) {
> query the database
> if($password matches pass in database) {
> session_start();
> $email = $Row[0];
> $memberID = $Row[1];
> session_register('email');
> session_register('memberID');
> //header("Location: URL");        This doesn't work.
> print("<script language=\"JavaScript\">window.location =
> \"\";;</script>");
> exit;
> }
> else {
> print("That didn't work...");
> }
> }
> else {
> print("Please enter your username & password.");
> }
> ?>

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