> Hi,
> We are working with PHP & MYSQL, and we would like to publish some
> information that we have with MS ACCESS and MS EXCEL, and altough I know
> that  it is posible to connect an access database using ODBC from PHP,
> however I don't know if it is legal to do this without having to pay
> licenses to Microsoft for accessing its database through the web.
> On the other hand and if it will be too expensive to use access with ODBC,
> would to know if there is an easy way to insert the information in EXCEL /
> ACCESS to a MYSQL database.

i never worked with excel/access on this level, but we have a oracle running
behind our firewall for our complete company menagement, and a mysql db on
our webserver which manages the user accounts, this user ccounts are synced
with the orale db with an extra script. the web machine only uses the mysql
db on the webserver, the sync-script could be called once a day per cronjob,
or can be startet by hand, so you start it only if you need to update the
informations in one of the dbs has to be synced with the other.

sorry that i can not give you any hints of how to do it with excel/access.
but i think, this is a rough idea how to do it, the rest does the function
reference on www.php.net ;)

> Thanks

regards Michael van Bracht

intraDAT AG                     http://www.intradat.com
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 7         Tel: +49 69-25629-0
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