Re: [PHP] Login with Remember me Feature

2011-08-19 Thread Alekto Antarctica
Thank you for all the helpful input so far!

I have now tried to implement the changes you suggested, but I unfortunately
keep getting an error in line 114, in {-bracket in the switch statement. I
know it is not very desirable to send all the code in a mail, but I think
this is the best solution to find where the error(s) are located.

Also when it comes to implementing the loggedin-function as Geoff Shang so
kindly suggested for the config.php. I keep getting an error message that
says that there is an error in the * "return true;" - line


*function loggedin()

*if (isset($_SESSIONS['username']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']))
return true;
return false;*


So for now this code-block is the same as it used to be, because this done
not generate any errors.

When it comes to the function loggedin() inside the connexions.php, I am not
sure where to call the function. Should this be just before the comparing of
the password?

..or before the switch statement?








*   *

*  *


*You have successfuly been loged out.

 should be placed her??*


*//We compare the submited password and the real one, and we
check if the user exists  *

*   if($dn['password']==$password and mysql_num_rows($req)>0)

*//If the password is ok, we set the $loginok var to
$loginok = true;*

*//If the password is good, we dont show the form
$form = false;

*  // If the user is alredy logged in
  if ($loginok)
   if ($remember=="on")

   setcookie("username", $username,

*  else*

//We save the user name in the session
username and the user Id in the session userid*

* $_SESSION['username'] =
 $_SESSION['userid'] =
 $_SESSION['usr_level'] =

*   //  if (loggedin()){ --> should be placed her??

*   switch ($usr_level)  *

* {
 case admin:
   $access_name = "admin";
   $page_suffix = "admin";

*   case newbie:
  $access_name = "newbie";
  $page_suffix = "newbe";

*case advanced:
   $access_name = "advanced";
   $page_suffix = "advanced";
   } //close the switch-looop*

*   }  // close the if-logged in - loop  *

*  ?>*




*You have successfully been logged in. You can
now access the  area.*

* *

} // close the display-block*

*   //We display the form, redirect back to login-page
   header("Location: header_login.php");

} // close the display message if-loop*



*   *

* *

Re: [PHP] Login with Remember me Feature

2011-08-14 Thread Geoff Shang

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011, Alekto Antarctica wrote:

I have tried to implement a cookie to remember the login for 48 hours, but
it still logs the user out after the default 24min for a session like this:

*  //We compare the submited password and the real one, and we
check if the user exists*
*if($dn['password']==$password and mysql_num_rows($req)>0)*

You don't show us anything before this, so we have to assume it's all 
good up to here.

*//If the password is ok, we set the $loginok var to
*$loginok = true;*
*//If the password is good, we dont show the form*
*$form = false;*

Maybe I'm just like this, but I always comment my closing braces.  I've 
been in situations where I'm missing one or I need to review code I wrote 
months ago and understand its logic, and I find this practice useful. 
Yes, in this case the opening is a few lines up, but you could have a code 
block that runs for hundreds of lines, and it's good to remember what 
started it.

*  if ($loginok = true)*
*  {*

First, off, as someone else mentioned, this should presumably be:

if ($loginok == true)

This one mistake will mean that $loginok will always be true.

Second, since if statements are always looking for true conditions, you 
can simply type:

if ($loginok)

Finally, since $loginok is assigned the true value in the previous block, 
then, unless it is also possibly assigned elsewhere, you can just put the 
below code in the same code block as the above code, rather than closing 
and starting a new one with this if statement.

*  if ($remember=="on")
$username, time()+7200*24);*

This is not very intuitive.  You're saying to add 2 hours times 24, which 
is a bit strange if you're trying to understand the code.  I'dve found 
3600*48 much more intuitive.  A comment mightn't go astray here either.

*  elseif ($remember=="")

Are these the only two values that $remember can have?  May as well just 
use else here without testing for another condition (either the user is 
remembering or they're not).

*   //We save the user name in the session username and the
user Id in the session userid*

I think we might have an left brace missing here, unless it's gotten lost 
in translation.

Also, I notice you're storing username and userid here, but above only 
stored username in the cookie.

* $_SESSION('username')=$username; *

This line should read:


I see the next line has it right.  I'm surprised that your code didn't 
generate an error for this one, and since it didn't, this may indicate 
that this code is never reached (possibly due to the elseif test above).

*   $_SESSION['userid'] =
*   $_SESSION['usr_level'] =

I see a mixing of styles here.  While it's all perfectly good syntax, you 
may want to find a style you like and stick to it.  I personally find

$foo = $bar;

much more readable than



$foo =

but each to their own.

Another problem I am now facing, is to check whether to user is logged in,
and if it is the user should be redirected from the index-page(with the
login-form) to its user area based on the user level(newbie, advanced or
For now I have written a function, in the config.php.

*function loggedin()*
* if (isset($_SESSIONS['username']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']))*
* {*
* $loggedin = true;*
* return $loggedin;*
* }*

As someone else pointed out, you could simply return true instead of 
assigning to a variable.  They also pointed out that you don't return 
false if the person is not logged in.  You could rewrite the above 
function like so:

function loggedin()
 if (isset($_SESSIONS['username']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']))
  return true;
  return false;

However, this doesn't actually check the values of these items, it simply 
checks to see if they have been set.

I have both tried to include the config.php into the index-page(login-form)
and into the connexions.php script (where cookie is implemented). Along with
this code:


You need to call a function with parentheses, even if it takes no 
arguments, like so:

if (loggedin() == true)

or simply

if (loggedin())

* if($usr_level == admin)*
*  ?>*
*You have successfuly been logged in. You can now
access the admin area.*
*You have successfuly b

Re: Re: [PHP] Login with Remember me Feature

2011-08-14 Thread Tim Streater
On 14 Aug 2011 at 14:23, Alekto Antarctica  wrote: 

> *function loggedin()*
> *{*
> * if (isset($_SESSIONS['username']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']))*
> * {*
> * $loggedin = true;*
> * return $loggedin;*
> * }*
> *}*

Why not justreturn true;

And what happens if your "if" doesn't evaluate to true? What do you return then?

> * *
> *
> *if (loggedin==true)*
> *{*

Should this be:

  if ($loggedin==true) ...

Cheers  --  Tim

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Re: [PHP] Login with Remember me Feature

2011-08-14 Thread Tamara Temple

On Aug 14, 2011, at 8:23 AM, Alekto Antarctica wrote:

Hi guys!

I have now tried to take some of your hints into consideration, by
encrypting the password with md5 adding a salt.
As some of you pointed out, this code is the work of a newbie, that is
totally correct, so please bear with me ;)

I have tried to implement a cookie to remember the login for 48  
hours, but
it still logs the user out after the default 24min for a session  
like this:

*  //We compare the submited password and the real one,  
and we

check if the user exists*
*if($dn['password']==$password and  

*//If the password is ok, we set the  
$loginok var to

*$loginok = true;*
*//If the password is good, we dont show the  

*$form = false;*
*  if ($loginok = true)*
*  {*
*  if ($remember=="on")
$username, time()+7200*24);*
*  elseif ($remember=="")

*   //We save the user name in the session username  
and the

user Id in the session userid*
* $_SESSION('username')= 
$username; *

*   $_SESSION['userid'] =
$_SESSION['usr_level'] =


Another problem I am now facing, is to check whether to user is  
logged in,
and if it is the user should be redirected from the index-page(with  
login-form) to its user area based on the user level(newbie,  
advanced or

For now I have written a function, in the config.php.

*function loggedin()*
* if (isset($_SESSIONS['username']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']))*
* {*
* $loggedin = true;*
* return $loggedin;*
* }*

I have both tried to include the config.php into the index- 
and into the connexions.php script (where cookie is implemented).  
Along with

this code:

*You have successfuly been logged in. You can now
access the admin area.*
*You have successfuly been logged in. You can now
access to the newbie area.*
*You have successfuly been logged in. You can now
access the advanced area.*
* *
This does not redirect an alredy logged in user to its user area...

I know this is messy, but if some of you can spot some improvements  

hopfully can fix my cookie and redirect problem, please let me know.

Tanks a lot!

You can't issue headers after you've sent output to the client.  
headers must be sent before any other output.

If you have messages to be output based on the current script, you  
have to pass them to the redirected script for them to be output to  
the client. You can do this by passing them on the query string or in  
a session variable; there are likely other ways of doing this as well.  
Note that you don't have to pass the actual text of the message if you  
use message codes instead, which would also aid in being able to  
translate the output if so desired.

In the code above, since the message seems tied to the particular area  
the user has access to and that is tied to a particular script, you  
could just put the message with each particular script.

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Re: [PHP] Login with Remember me Feature

2011-08-14 Thread Alekto Antarctica
Hi guys!

I have now tried to take some of your hints into consideration, by
encrypting the password with md5 adding a salt.
As some of you pointed out, this code is the work of a newbie, that is
totally correct, so please bear with me ;)

I have tried to implement a cookie to remember the login for 48 hours, but
it still logs the user out after the default 24min for a session like this:

*  //We compare the submited password and the real one, and we
check if the user exists*
*if($dn['password']==$password and mysql_num_rows($req)>0)*
*//If the password is ok, we set the $loginok var to
*$loginok = true;*
*//If the password is good, we dont show the form*
*$form = false;*
*  if ($loginok = true)*
*  {*
*  if ($remember=="on")
$username, time()+7200*24);*
*  elseif ($remember=="")

*   //We save the user name in the session username and the
user Id in the session userid*
* $_SESSION('username')=$username; *
*   $_SESSION['userid'] =
*   $_SESSION['usr_level'] =

Another problem I am now facing, is to check whether to user is logged in,
and if it is the user should be redirected from the index-page(with the
login-form) to its user area based on the user level(newbie, advanced or
For now I have written a function, in the config.php.

*function loggedin()*
* if (isset($_SESSIONS['username']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']))*
* {*
* $loggedin = true;*
* return $loggedin;*
* }*

I have both tried to include the config.php into the index-page(login-form)
and into the connexions.php script (where cookie is implemented). Along with
this code:

*You have successfuly been logged in. You can now
access the admin area.*
*You have successfuly been logged in. You can now
access to the newbie area.*
 *You have successfuly been logged in. You can now
access the advanced area.*
* *
This does not redirect an alredy logged in user to its user area...

I know this is messy, but if some of you can spot some improvements that
hopfully can fix my cookie and redirect problem, please let me know.

Tanks a lot!

Re: [PHP] Login with Remember me Feature

2011-08-07 Thread Alex Nikitin
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 10:03 PM, Donovan Brooke  wrote:

> alekto wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have implemented a "remember" me feature in my login-script, but I can't
>> get it to function!
> If I might be so bold... then you haven't implemented the feature yet,
> right? ;-)
>  I want to make it possible for the users to stay logged in for 30 days.
>> This is what I got this far:
> You have a logic problem... If I were you, I would write it out more
> simplistically first... something like:
> if session cookie
>  keep logged in
> else, if remember me
>  if verifiable
>set session cookie and redirect
> Of course, that is not an example of exact logic to use, and is just a
> method example of how you can solve your problem. As others have suggested,
> I would first start reading about ob_start,ob_end_clean(which
> works well before a header redirect), and ob_end_flush.
> I agree about only needing to store the user ID in your cookie's (session
> and rememberme) (hashed perhaps), and not the password.
> My last comment would be a kind request to strip out all unnecessary html
> etc.. when posting questions to the list. I usually would not take the time
> to look through a mess like that. ;-)
> Donovan
> --
> D Brooke
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:
I'm going to play the third side of this thread and ask if anyone other than
me sees any clear security issues with code like that, even if username and
password were taken out of the cookie, and it was hashed in the DB, there is
still a security issue with thinking this way which in today's world should
not be an overlooked practice.

And i mean i see that the person here is a newbie, the code looks pretty
bad, but i think it's worth mentioning that looking at best security
practices for the situation is as trivial as figuring out your classes and
methods. Knowing how to prevent people like, well even me, from running sql
scripts from your website via forms, or stealing user sessions is essential
in today's web world...

You're writing some client-facing code, maybe you should look at how to
write it and keep the client secure? You could at least add session and
request tokens to make the persistent sessions at least a bit more secure,
that's of course on top of hashing passwords (with a salt), and not storing
user names and passwords in the cookie.

Also escaping doesn't work, if you don't believe me, listen to the keynote
that Dan Kaminsky gave at the last HOPE conference, he gives a good overview
of why... Please either use parameterized queries, or the awesome hack that
is base 64, don't assume that just because the function is called
mysql_real_escape_string, that it actually knows what it is doing; unicode
is a powerful weapon in the wrong hands!

Also use === for string comparison as 42 == "test"!

The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is
doing until it’s too late.  ~Seymour Cray

Re: [PHP] Login with Remember me Feature

2011-08-07 Thread Donovan Brooke

alekto wrote:

I have implemented a "remember" me feature in my login-script, but I can't get 
it to function!

If I might be so bold... then you haven't implemented the feature yet, 
right? ;-)

I want to make it possible for the users to stay logged in for 30 days.
This is what I got this far:

You have a logic problem... If I were you, I would write it out more 
simplistically first... something like:

if session cookie
  keep logged in
else, if remember me
  if verifiable
set session cookie and redirect

Of course, that is not an example of exact logic to use, and is just a 
method example of how you can solve your problem. As others have 
suggested, I would first start reading about ob_start,ob_end_clean(which

works well before a header redirect), and ob_end_flush.

I agree about only needing to store the user ID in your cookie's 
(session and rememberme) (hashed perhaps), and not the password.

My last comment would be a kind request to strip out all unnecessary 
html etc.. when posting questions to the list. I usually would not take 
the time to look through a mess like that. ;-)


D Brooke

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Login with Remember me Feature

2011-08-07 Thread Andre Polykanine
Hello alekto,

I've got several notes to point out:
1. You can't do neither a header(), nor a SetCookie() after any echo on the 
page. The out-of-php pieces of the page included.
2. Don't, please please don't store raw passwords in the database! Hash them, 
better even adding a salt. The guy who had been writing code of our project 
before me stored raw passwords, and I lost an amount of time to encrypt them 
live so users wouln't notice anything happening. Please don't repeat this 
3. Don't store passwords in the cookies, they can be easily stolen. the 
username is quite enough: if it is there and it is not empty, then you can 
verify if such a user exists.

With best regards from Ukraine,
Skype: Francophile
My blog: (mostly in Russian)

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