on 1/16/02 10:16 AM, HENDERSON, Roy at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I would like to be able to maintain ( ie create or delete ) POP3 accounts
> via PHP but my ISP says this cannot be done.
> I find this confusing since they provide me a PHP-based control panel which
> I use to do this manually ...

first, this is _totally_ doable--heck, they're already doing it with the
control panel--but that isn't to say they should necessarily let you have
direct access.

it's really a function of how the ISP has their end setup. some POP accounts
are real accounts on a box and you'd have to mess with /etc/passwd. not
something ISP's like their customers doing :)

essentially, they'd have to write an API for you to base your code on and
leave a port open on a box somewhere listening for requests from you. this
could take lots of time to create (which isp's don't have) and be a possible
security nightmare.

on the other hand, a progressive ISP who had their act together and a
competent php programmer could probably get this to work. note that most
solutions i've seen to this problem don't actually let you mess with
anything directly. you basically end up creating a file (or making an entry
in a database) that gets picked up by a cron job the ISP runs and they
actually 'do the work'. this adds a little delay between you sending the
request and when the cron job runs. but is a pretty cool solution.

probably not the answer you wanted to hear, but i've lived on both sides of
this fence :)


 -- mike cullerton   michaelc at cullerton dot com

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