
On Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 09:13:00AM -0400, Dave Rosenberg wrote:
> "xxxx.com/showkey.php?id=division&search=Bob%20Cobb".  Within that new 
> page, you can sort the results by ID, and to do this I made the 
> hyperlink go to, for example, "showkey.php3?id=project&search=$search". 
>  When I do this, however, it shortens the $search variable from "Bob 
> ... snip ...
> echo "<tr><td width=255><b><font face=arial size=2>
> <a href=showkey.php3?id=project&search=$search>

Before echoing out the search string into the new uri, do this:
   $search = urlencode($search);

Please read http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.urlencode.php to make 
sure you understand the nuances with this.



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