first thing:
<tr><td>cell content</td><tr>
- make sure you have opened the file successfully:

        or die('cannot open');

Anthony Ritter wrote:

>I'm trying to output a table with rows that have size 1 borders from the URL
>listed below using the file() and count() functions.
>Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
>Thank you.
>Tony Ritter
>function getWeather($weatherdata)
> {
>  $weatherdata;
>  $content=file($weatherdata);
>  foreach($content as $value)
>    print("<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=\"75%\" ALIGN=CENTER>");
>    print("<FONT FACE=\"arial\" SIZE=1>");
>      if($i=0; $i<=count($value); $i++)
>       {
>        print("<TR>".$value."</TR>");
>       }
>    print("</FONT>");
>    print("</TABLE>");
>   }

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