On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Karl James <karlja...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> Is anyone online at the moment.
> I need help with a phpmyadmin table issue.
> I get a critical error when I try to upload images
> From the web portal admin page.
> I can send you a screen shot and allow you access to
> The database to help out. Some have told me this is
> A Auto_increment issue, but this table I think has it turned
> On if I am reading the website correctly on the options section/tab.
> MYSQL: duplicate entry '0' for key 1.
> MYSQL: Insert Error - Duplicate entry '0'
> Can anyone help me walk me through step by step.
> I know it's a simple setting I am missing.
> Can anyone please help me at the moment.
> OF course you can email instantly then maybe chant via
> FB or Aim...Need help really fast.
> If I can do this I can get job doing web design and possibly
> Reach my goal and be a web designer.
> I just really do not know phpmyadmin that well to fix issues like this yet.
>  <mailto:karlja...@tampabay.rr.com> Karl James

I'm on now. This doesn't sound much like a php issue, per se. You
might be able to find someone on #mysql on irc.freenode.net to walk
you through what's going wrong in real time.

if you don't have an irc client handy, you can use the web chat client
at http://webchat.freenode.net or http://chat.mibbit.com

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