On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 09:47, Tir<tirsa...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> When i installed PHP, I had written to my httpd.conf PHPIniDir "c:/php". But
> phpinfo() returns "C:\WINDOWS" in "Configuration File (php.ini) Path" row
> and right path to my php.ini in "Loaded Configuration File". It looks like
> php.ini really isn't used. I think so because when i try to enable MySQL it
> doesn't work ("extension=php_mysql.dll", "extension=php_mysqli.dll" and
> "extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll" is uncommented, "extension_dir" is correct,
> libmysql.dll is copied to C:\WINDOWS\system32). I've tried to write to
> php.ini an abracadabra. But I havent received an error as i expected. I've
> tried to rename php.ini. phpinfo() has returned "(none)" in "Loaded
> Configuration File" row instead of "c:\php\php.ini" as that was before. But
> PHP still worked. It worked without php.ini. It seems very strange. I've
> searched another php.ini on my system. There is no another one. What's
> wrong? Why doesn't PHP use php.ini file?

    It *does* use the file, but will work without it using default
settings.  An initialization file such as php.ini (or httpd.conf,
my.cnf, etc.) is simply a script of variables automatically set at
run-time of the engine reading the file.

    Check out the manual entry for installing PHP on Windows and the
user notes - particularly the note from (dpharshman AT dslextreme DOT
com) on 17-MAY-2009:


</Daniel P. Brown>
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