On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 11:46:32PM -0300, Manuel Lemos wrote:

> Hello,
> on 05/25/2010 04:40 PM Walden Bay said the following:
> > We're looking for a developer that has experience with integrating Apache
> > Solr with PHP.  We currently have a PHP web system, but we'd like to build
> > in Solr to be able to search across all parts of the site.
> >
> > Does anyone have any ideas where I could go to find a PHP developer with
> > Solr experience?  Or is anyone here interested?
> >
> > Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I'm not sure what the
> > appropriate place is.
> No, here is fine. Not sure if you will get many candidates, as most
> people only come here to get PHP development help, not necessarily to
> look for jobs.
> You may also want to post to the PHPClasses.org jobs section. So far
> over 9,000 PHP developers signed up there explicitly to get PHP job offers.
> Once you post a job there, the signed up PHP developers will get an
> e-mail telling them about the job, so they can see if it is interesting
> for them to apply.
> Developers can only apply if their qualifications match your job
> requirements, so you will not be flooded of resumes of unqualified people.
> http://www.phpclasses.org/jobs/

Or perhaps http://phpbuilder.justtechjobs.com/
Note: I have no personal or financial connection to phpbuilder.com.


Paul M. Foster

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