Note that you don't need to use xgettext to use gettext.  It is simply a 
time-saver that generates a template .po file for you.  You can easily 
create this text file yourself.


On Fri, 16 Nov 2001, Pavel Novak wrote:

> so I know where is the problem:
> <input type="submit" name="bla" value="<?=_("Odeslat dotaz")?>">
> gettext is seeking through all of strings in the file, it thinks that one
> string is:
> "<?=_("
> and second:
> ")?>"
> And it doesn't work even with this:
> value="<?=_('Odeslat dotaz')?>"
> or this:
> value='<?=_("Odeslat dotaz")?>'
> Does anybody know how I can do it to be good?

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