Re: [PHP] Search engines and cookies

2008-04-07 Thread tedd

At 3:29 PM +0200 4/7/08, Emil Edeholt wrote:


Do you guys how search engines like cookies? One site I'm working on 
now requires the user to select which region he/she is from on the 
start page. That value is stored in a cookie. So without cookies you 
can't get past the start page. Does this leave the search engines at 
the start page? Right now google only index the start pages on my 
site and I'm trying to figure out why.

If I can't use cookies, how would you force users to select a region 
but letting the search engine spiders in on the site somehow?

Hope this wasn't too off topic.

Kind Regards Emil


My advice -- give the SE what it's looking for. Place a description 
of what your site is about on the start page. If you don't want users 
to see it, then place the text off-left via css position. This would 
also help those with assistive technologies and thus SE's shouldn't 




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Re: [PHP] Search engines and cookies

2008-04-07 Thread Evert Lammerts
Search engines won't come past that page. How about setting a default 
region when a user enters a different page then your main page?

Daniel Brown wrote:

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Emil Edeholt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


 Do you guys how search engines like cookies? One site I'm working on now
requires the user to select which region he/she is from on the start page.
That value is stored in a cookie. So without cookies you can't get past the
start page. Does this leave the search engines at the start page? Right now
google only index the start pages on my site and I'm trying to figure out

 If I can't use cookies, how would you force users to select a region but
letting the search engine spiders in on the site somehow?

One way to do it would be to allow Google (and/or other search
engines) to access the site by bypassing the region-selection


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Re: [PHP] Search engines and cookies

2008-04-07 Thread Daniel Brown
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Emil Edeholt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  Do you guys how search engines like cookies? One site I'm working on now
> requires the user to select which region he/she is from on the start page.
> That value is stored in a cookie. So without cookies you can't get past the
> start page. Does this leave the search engines at the start page? Right now
> google only index the start pages on my site and I'm trying to figure out
> why.
>  If I can't use cookies, how would you force users to select a region but
> letting the search engine spiders in on the site somehow?

One way to do it would be to allow Google (and/or other search
engines) to access the site by bypassing the region-selection


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Re: [PHP] Search Engines and Last-Modified Header

2003-05-29 Thread Manuel Lemos

On 05/28/2003 11:48 PM, Olinux wrote:
To make sure that google re-indexes every month. I
have thought of sending a last modified header using
year/month/day of article and a random
hour/minute/second. but if this random
hour/month/second is "earlier" than the one already
indexed it does not get indexed? 
Google does not index your whole site unless you pay.


Manuel Lemos
Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
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Re: [PHP] Search Engines and Last-Modified Header (was: Variables don't pass...)

2003-05-29 Thread olinux
I think this is very important for dynamic site
developers to understand. I'm very interested in
learning more about this and I think we could all
benefit from anyone with solid search engine

I run a site with about 18,000 news articles. They are
stored in database and dynamically generated (some
template elements update weekly). Since these articles
are mostly static once published, I generate a
last-modified header using the article publish_date
(and zero's for the hour/min/sec). This last-modified
header is also used by the internal search engine
(ht://Dig) to make articles searchable by date. 

I'm finding that even though google indexes the site
daily and grabs stories for their MANY
of my pages are not appearing in the google index. It
appears that these are not being updated in their
cache either (only a couple months of data to go on).
I'm quite knowledgable on search engine optimizing
etc. but this has me confused. 

To make sure that google re-indexes every month. I
have thought of sending a last modified header using
year/month/day of article and a random
hour/minute/second. but if this random
hour/month/second is "earlier" than the one already
indexed it does not get indexed? 


> On Wed, 28 May 2003 09:31:11 -0500, Jay Blanchard
> wrote:
> >I wouldn't go as far as using the
> auto_prepend_file.
> Neither would I in this case Jay.It was simply
> an example of what
> could be done, not necessarily what SHOULD be done. 
> I did however, use
> auto_prepend_file in a .htaccess file for a somewhat
> similar case.  
> I have a site with about 90 pseudo-static pages (the
> page is static but
> I use PHP to include the header and footer) and a
> handful of fully
> dynamic pages.  I REALLY want this site to be
> regularly updated in the
> search engines but, unfortunately, many search
> engines only spider
> pages that are "newer" than what they have in their
> database.  Since
> PHP is dynamic, it doesn't report a "Last-Modified"
> header so the
> search engine doesn't think anything has been
> updated.  Hence stale
> search engine results.
> To force all of the pages (both pseudo-static and
> dynamic) to generate
> a "Last-Modified" header, I set up prepend.php
> script which is
> configured as a directory level (.htaccess) parm to
> auto_prepend_file.
> Here is the content of prepend.php.
>   header( "Last-Modified: " . 
> gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s", 
>filemtime( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ) ) . 
> " GMT" ); 
> ?>
> For my truly dynamic pages, I figured out that only
> the last call to
> header actually shows up in the "real" header that
> makes it to the
> browser (or search engine), so I can create a more
> unique
> "Last-Modified" header as part of the dynamic pages
> (like when the
> database is updated or whatever makes sense) and it
> will overwrite the
> automatically generated one.

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RE: [PHP] Search Engines

2001-09-23 Thread Don Read

On 23-Sep-2001 Heidi Belal wrote:
> Hi All,
> this may be a bit off topic, but i need/advise on
> where and how i can register a site in the top search
> engines.  I know there are all these sites where you
> can do it but do you have recommendations?
> My other question is, why do we have to pay for this,
> or what does paying provide from those where you don't
> have to pay do?

Yahoo, Google, Netscape, Lycos, MSN, etc. all have a "submit your link" 
page that you can add it yourself; or you can pay somebody to do it for you.

> I thought there were robots that go around linking
> from page to page and indexing the that
> when a search is run the pages relevant are found, so
> what does paying do?

Their time to submit the link(s), the knowledge of where to submit 'em, &
their time to answer your questions.

> thanks!
> Heidi

Yer welcome.
That'll be $45.00, please.

-- It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you are going to 
   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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Re: [PHP] Search Engines

2001-08-06 Thread rm

One of best tutorials around can be found at:


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Re: [PHP] Search Engines

2001-08-06 Thread Tim

The web site is highly recommended. :)

I believe that some search engines may not grok .php files properly, but
that may be old information, given the amount of PHP out there these
days.  All of my clients sites that I run use .html as a PHP extension,
so that's not an issue for them.

- Tim

On 07 Aug 2001 01:47:28 +0100, Tom Carter wrote:
> Hi All,
> Does anyone have any experience with registering sites on the major search
> engines? I have a number of questions I hope to find help with (and please
> do excuse that not all of them are directly PHP related)
> -Do search engines treat .html and .php files differently in caching etc?
> -I include a standard header on each page, and was originally going to put
> into this standard all the various meta tags to describe the site, however
> someone suggested to me that this counetd against you by some search
> engineanyone have any knowledge on this?
> -How is it best to create meta tags? does anyone know of php or other tools
> or good guides?
> Any other general advice more than appreciated!
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Search engines and mod_rewrite

2001-05-13 Thread Steve


I can't be sure, since I'm not too knowledgeable with this, but I would
think this would work just fine.  The search engine should be seeing the URL
just as the user would.  Further, a site I know does a similar trick (though
I'm not sure they use mod_rewrite) where /users/username is converted into and they get indexed, so I can't think of any
reason you're case would be any different.

- Steve

"Tom Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hi all,
> On one of my sites we make extensive use of variable passed through the
> url, particullarly for browsing the main content of the site which is
> organised into main and sub categories, eg
> browse.php?maincat=Weather&subcat=sunny kind of thing.
> I understand from colleagues who know much on these things that public
> search engines bots (eg google) stop parsing thru that part of the site
> when they reach a '?' (I could well be wrong on this).
> a way around this that I have heard is installing the mod_rewrite module
> in apache and mapping browse/weather/sunny to
> browse.php?maincat=weather&subcat=sunny.
> Would this in fact even  fix the problem? Its a hard thing to test!
> Does anyone have any experience using this? And what is the advice from
> people on how best to get google&co to spider your site and find your
> content effectively?
> Thanks in advance
> Tom
> --
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Re: [PHP] Search Engines

2001-04-01 Thread Steve Werby

"Joe Montiel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am new to the list and to php...I would like to know how php does with
> major search engines. Do I need to do something extra to make it work?
> it index if I am pulling my content from text files?

PHP produces HTML output which is sent to a browser, spider, etc.
Everything else being equal about content on a webpage, a PHP generated file
and a static HTML file are identical, with the possible exception of the
file extension.  There are a few "gotchas".  A search engine can recognize a
.php* file extension and assign it a penalty, though I'm not aware of this
happening.  If that's a fear you can always configure your webserver to
parse .html files using PHP.  Some search engines will ignore or penalize
webpages with query strings in them (query strings are variable-value pairs
following a "?" after the webpage name).  The logic for this makes sense
since a lot of pages like that are dynamically generated and a search engine
will be less effective if it indexes a page and a few days later a user does
a search, it appears in the results and the user goes there and the page no
longer exists or contains different content than was indexed.  An easy way
around this (at least in Apache) is to create dynamically generated webpages
that appear static.  This can be accomplished by using AliasMatch lines in
your Apache config. file to point a group of URLs (such as all beginning
with '/books/') to a single PHP file.  Then within the PHP file use a
combination of regular expressions and environment variables (among other
solutions) to pull the proper content from a file or database.

For example if you have a URL like '/books/516.html' you can do:
eregi( '^/books/(.*).html', $SCRIPT_URL, $regs ) )
// $regs[1] will contain '516'.
// Grab record from database with id 516.

Offhand, the only other things to watch for are don't do fast meta redirects
(or any redirects at all) and if your PHP file hasn't been updated in
months, but the database data it pulls from has updated recently, it's
likely that browsers and spiders may think their cached copies of your
webpage are current.  A solution is to use a combination of header()
functions like:

header( "Last-Modified: " . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s" ) . " GMT" );

Making your webpages appear at the top of search engines for your desired
search phrases is another story.  Though I live talking about search engine
optimization strategies and steps, this isn't the right forum for giving
away all of the secrets.  

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

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Re: [PHP] Search Engines

2001-04-01 Thread Matt Friedman

There are a few things that can help you get indexed by the search engines
if you are using a server side scripting language.

1. Try to avoid passing variables in the get string. That is, the stuff
after the "?" in a url.
2. If you want a page indexed, don't redirect from that page to another
page. The search spider will not follow the redirect.

Other than that, I can't think of more things that a spider wouldn't like
that have to do with php. If there are more, please correct me.

Matt Friedman
Spry New Media

- Original Message -
From: "Joe Montiel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 8:52 PM
Subject: [PHP] Search Engines

> Hello,
> I am new to the list and to php...I would like to know how php does with
> major search engines. Do I need to do something extra to make it work?
> it index if I am pulling my content from text files? (If this is in an
> archive somewhere, point me to it).
> Thank you!
> Joe
> --
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RE: [PHP] Search Engines and PHP

2001-02-15 Thread Mark Maggelet

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 13:33:00 +0100, Sander Pilon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>> >If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables
>>on the
>> >url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables
>> for the pages
>> >you want to have the searchengine spider.
>> How the heck do you build a dynamic site without URL variables,
>> cookies, or POST variables?
>> Kristofer
>One way would be to use the url path.
>You fool the searchengine, it thinks 'script.php' is a directory and
>getting a file called 'php', but actually you're calling
>'script.php' with
>'/these/are/variables/passed/to/php' as parameters.

These days most search engines index everything, no matter how many
?'s or &'s they see. It used to matter that you do things this way,
but now it really doesn't.

BTW, the key to showing up high in google is to get people to link to
your site with the right link text. let's say for instance a hundred
people link to you like this:">php scripts

google notices this and builds an index based on it. Then when
someone types in 'php scripts' into google, you're almost guaranteed
to rank first.

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Re: [PHP] Search Engines and PHP

2001-01-23 Thread Joe Stump

You might want to look at Jeremy Brands VERY useful "variables from uri" 
function that can be found at I use this 
religiously and am quite pleased with it.


On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 02:19:46PM -0500, Kristofer Widholm wrote:
> At 13.33 +0100 01-01-23, Sander Pilon poked the keyboard as follows:
> >  >
> >>  >If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on the
> >>  >url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables
> >>  for the pages
> >>  >you want to have the searchengine spider.
> >>
> >>  How the heck do you build a dynamic site without URL variables,
> >>  cookies, or POST variables?
> >>
> >>  Kristofer
> >
> >One way would be to use the url path.
> >
> >Http://script.php/these/are/variables/passed/to/php
> >
> >You fool the searchengine, it thinks 'script.php' is a directory and its
> >getting a file called 'php', but actually you're calling 'script.php' with
> >'/these/are/variables/passed/to/php' as parameters.
> I'm assuming that the tradeoff is the loss of having your variables 
> pre-populated in your scripts and that you have to parse the URL for 
> them. While it's probably easy enough to write my own, does anyone 
> have -- ready made -- a robust and versatile function for populating 
> variables from a URL.
> My impulse is to go with this:
> list($var1,$var2,$var3)=explode("/","$PHP_SELF");
> Anyone one have a better idea?
> A difference to note, it strikes me, is that using this method, it is 
> no longer arbitrary in which order the variables are stacked in the 
> URL.  would be a 
> different page from , 
> whereas using variable declarations in the URL like so 
>  means 
> you can put them in any order you like.
> Kristofer
> -- 
> __
> Kristofer Widholm
> Web Pharmacy
> 191 Grand Street, Brooklyn  NY  11211
> 718.599.4893
> __
> -- 
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Joe Stump, PHP Hacker

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RE: [PHP] Search Engines and PHP

2001-01-23 Thread Kristofer Widholm

At 13.33 +0100 01-01-23, Sander Pilon poked the keyboard as follows:
>  >
>>  >If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on the
>>  >url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables
>>  for the pages
>>  >you want to have the searchengine spider.
>>  How the heck do you build a dynamic site without URL variables,
>>  cookies, or POST variables?
>>  Kristofer
>One way would be to use the url path.
>You fool the searchengine, it thinks 'script.php' is a directory and its
>getting a file called 'php', but actually you're calling 'script.php' with
>'/these/are/variables/passed/to/php' as parameters.

I'm assuming that the tradeoff is the loss of having your variables 
pre-populated in your scripts and that you have to parse the URL for 
them. While it's probably easy enough to write my own, does anyone 
have -- ready made -- a robust and versatile function for populating 
variables from a URL.

My impulse is to go with this:


Anyone one have a better idea?

A difference to note, it strikes me, is that using this method, it is 
no longer arbitrary in which order the variables are stacked in the 
URL.  would be a 
different page from , 
whereas using variable declarations in the URL like so 
you can put them in any order you like.


Kristofer Widholm
Web Pharmacy
191 Grand Street, Brooklyn  NY  11211

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RE: [PHP] Search Engines and PHP

2001-01-23 Thread Sander Pilon

> >If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on the
> >url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables
> for the pages
> >you want to have the searchengine spider.
> How the heck do you build a dynamic site without URL variables,
> cookies, or POST variables?
> Kristofer

One way would be to use the url path.


You fool the searchengine, it thinks 'script.php' is a directory and its
getting a file called 'php', but actually you're calling 'script.php' with
'/these/are/variables/passed/to/php' as parameters.

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Re: [PHP] Search Engines and PHP

2001-01-23 Thread Christian Reiniger

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 09:23, Kristofer Widholm wrote:
> >If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on
> > the url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables for
> > the pages you want to have the searchengine spider.
> How the heck do you build a dynamic site without URL variables,
> cookies, or POST variables?

Search for an article called "Writing dynamic pages with 
search engines in mind" or so.

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (

This is JohnC IMHO, I compaired tri-word groupings here and in his plan
and got a good match.

- /. posting discussing the likelihood that an AC post that claimed to be
posted by John Carmack during his honeymoon (and having the login info at
home) was actually from him.

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RE: [PHP] Search Engines and PHP

2001-01-23 Thread Ernest E Vogelsinger

At 09:23 23.01.2001, Kristofer Widholm said:
>>If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on the
>>url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables for the pages
>>you want to have the searchengine spider.
>How the heck do you build a dynamic site without URL variables, 
>cookies, or POST variables?

You could, for example, use a 404 handler. Assume your site,, has an existing virtual directory /myapp. However this
directory is empty, and directory browsing id forbidden. For this folder
you setup a 404 handler that will be called by the web server whenever a
folder or page cannot be found.

Then you format your urls like this:

This URL does not exist and will be passed to the 404 handler. Within the
404 handler, parse the url, extract the session id and parameters, and
execute the .php file.

Just as an example,


   >O Ernest E. Vogelsinger
^ ICQ#   13394035

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RE: [PHP] Search Engines and PHP

2001-01-23 Thread Kristofer Widholm

>If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on the
>url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables for the pages
>you want to have the searchengine spider.

How the heck do you build a dynamic site without URL variables, 
cookies, or POST variables?


Kristofer Widholm
Web Pharmacy
191 Grand Street, Brooklyn  NY  11211

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RE: [PHP] Search Engines and PHP

2001-01-22 Thread Sam Leibowitz

Just a quick addendum - search enginies tend to be picky about indexing
pages that have short expire times. So, if you're using header() to prevent
pages from being cached (or at least, cached for very long), you should
expect search engines to turn their noses up at them.


-Original Message-
From: Sander Pilon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 9:51 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Search Engines and PHP

> I was wondering if anyone can enlighten me about the ability of search
> engines to read and list PHP pages.  I have been told that because PHP
> produces a dynamic html page (i.e. one that possibly outputs
> different HTML
> for each hit or request) that they are not easily added to search engines
> (if this is true though what would be the point of having any
> html pages if
> you can't update or change them at anytime?).  Another point was
> made to me
> was that many PHP pages require additional commands to be passed
> through the
> URL eg which search
> engines find hard to deal with also.
> If any of these are true or if there are such problems which
> could result in
> the page not getting listed then what are the options.
> My only idea has come from the [PHP]url hide thread in which a index.html
> single 'wrapper frame' could be applied to the entire site.
> Any Ideas

Search-engines read HTML, what drives that HTML is entirely irrelevant.

... however, some searchengines do not index pages that have variables on
the url, so those pages will never be indexed by that particular

But other searchengines will spider about everything (I think google spiders
a lot, including dynamic pages) - but realize that the searchengine always
contains a snapshot of your page, most likely one taken weeks ago.

If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on the
url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables for the pages
you want to have the searchengine spider.

Also, you could make a robots.txt file and instruct the searchengines to
spider only particular pages on your site.


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RE: [PHP] Search Engines and PHP

2001-01-22 Thread Sander Pilon

> I was wondering if anyone can enlighten me about the ability of search
> engines to read and list PHP pages.  I have been told that because PHP
> produces a dynamic html page (i.e. one that possibly outputs
> different HTML
> for each hit or request) that they are not easily added to search engines
> (if this is true though what would be the point of having any
> html pages if
> you can't update or change them at anytime?).  Another point was
> made to me
> was that many PHP pages require additional commands to be passed
> through the
> URL eg which search
> engines find hard to deal with also.
> If any of these are true or if there are such problems which
> could result in
> the page not getting listed then what are the options.
> My only idea has come from the [PHP]url hide thread in which a index.html
> single 'wrapper frame' could be applied to the entire site.
> Any Ideas

Search-engines read HTML, what drives that HTML is entirely irrelevant.

... however, some searchengines do not index pages that have variables on
the url, so those pages will never be indexed by that particular

But other searchengines will spider about everything (I think google spiders
a lot, including dynamic pages) - but realize that the searchengine always
contains a snapshot of your page, most likely one taken weeks ago.

If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on the
url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables for the pages
you want to have the searchengine spider.

Also, you could make a robots.txt file and instruct the searchengines to
spider only particular pages on your site.


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