
I 've found where the problem is.
It is with the last update of PHP 4.1.2 of Apple (Apple security Update 
of 5th April). This library seems light. Also there isn't the GD Library.
When I go back to a version 4.1.2 by entropy.ch, All is OK. Session 
works fine and GD Library is present.

Excuse me for the noise.

Best regards,

 >I'm working with sessions. It's work fine with PHP 4.0.6 and when I 
update to 4.1.2. I've seen a strange thing, I canno't explain:
 >Before when a client consult our webserver with no cookies enabled, the 
PHPSESSID was been add in the URL automatly and when the cookies are 
enable, >the PHPSESSID was save in  the cookie. This work fine
 >But now, with no cookie enabled, the PHPSESSID was not add in the end 
of the URL. So I loose the session and the session variable.
 >It is a change in this new version ? Do I make a change in my program ?
 >I'm working on MacOs X.1.3 with PHP 4.1.2.

Philippe B.

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