Some versions of opera will cache the first login page so if you submit to 
the same page it will still show the login dialog. The way I got around it 
was to add "?" to the post url .. ie action="index.php?"  that fooled it to 
reload the page correctly.

At 10:22 PM 10/04/2002, Steve Fitzgerald wrote:
>While testing a login page with different browsers I noticed that Opera
>didn't allow me access to the site despite using the correct input, so I
>wrote the
>following pages to test Opera's performance. It seems that Opera doesn't
>pass registered variables to the new page. IE & NS both print the output
>as expected, but in Opera all variables are empty.
>Has anyone got any thoughts/solutions/experiences?
>## login page
>   $password = "letmein";
>   if (isset($input)){
>       if ($input == $password){
>           $auth = 1;
>           session_start();
>           session_register(enter,input,password,auth);
>           header("Location: 2.php");
>           exit;
>       }
>   }
><form action=<?php echo "$PHP_SELF" ?> method="POST">
>Enter password: <input type="text" name="input">
><br><input type="submit">
>   print "The value of \$enter is \"$enter\"<br>";
>   print "The value of \$input is \"$input\"<br>";
>   print "The value of \$password is \"$password\"<br>";
>   print "The value of \$auth is \"$auth\"<br>";
>## 2.php
>   session_start();
>   print "The value of \$enter is \"$enter\"<br>"; // empty
>   print "The value of \$input is \"$input\"<br>"; // should print
>   print "The value of \$password is \"$password\"<br>"; // should print
>   print "The value of \$auth is \"$auth\"<br>"; // should print '1'
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