On Monday, March 18, 2002, at 02:22  PM, pong-TC wrote:

> It is quite off the topic.  I think most of you work with form while you
> are using PHP.  Does anyone need to conform your form webpage to ADA
> compliance?  It is a U.S. Section 508 Guidelines for handicap people to
> access the webpage.  However, when it applies to the webpage that has 
> many
> form elements, it seems to be clumsy for me.  For example, I have to put
> all labels in fron of text boxes, radio box, select boxes.  Does anyone
> has any idea to get around and to make it pass the compliance?  I am 
> using
> the www.cast.org/bobby to test my webpage.

Well, the point of 508 is to encourage web developers to create content 
that is accessible to everyone, regardless of disability.  If you try to 
"get around" this without actually incorporating the required 
accessibility aids, then you're not really meeting the requirements of 
508.  Unless there's a problem with the parser at www.cast.org/bobby, 
the best (and most ethical, IMO) thing you can do is conform to 508 as 
required and not subvert the parser.



Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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