On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Daevid Vincent <dae...@daevid.com> wrote:

> Repost as I got zero replies. Does anyone know why this is? Seems like a
> bug
> to me, or at least should be documented as such whacky behavior. Are there
> any solutions to this or work-arounds?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daevid Vincent [mailto:dae...@daevid.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 6:04 PM
> I'm trying to use
> http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.simplexml-load-string.php
> $xml_url =
> file_get_contents('http://myserver/cgi-bin/foo.cgi?request=c901c906e4d06a0
> ')
> ;
> try
> {
>  $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_url, 'SimpleXMLElement',
>                                        LIBXML_NOBLANKS & LIBXML_COMPACT &
>  print_r( $xml);
> }
> catch (Exception $e)
> {
>  echo "bad xml";
> }
> If I have this XML file (note the tags I marked with --> below):
> <issue>
>        <crstatus>i_field_submitted</crstatus>
>        <problem_number>151827</problem_number>
>        <problem_synopsis_field>title</problem_synopsis_field>
>        <problem_description_field>description2</problem_description_field>
>        <fi_priority>High</fi_priority>
> -->     <assignee/>
>        <create_time>5/12/2009 22:53:10</create_time>
> -->     <fi_notes_oem/>
>        <fi_sw_part_name>sw_part_name</fi_sw_part_name>
>        <fi_general_reference>general_reference</fi_general_reference>
>        <fi_sw_part_number>sw_part_num</fi_sw_part_number>
>        <fi_customer_ecd_date>1244703600</fi_customer_ecd_date>
>        <fi_sw_part_version>sw_part_version</fi_sw_part_version>
>        <fi_required_date>1243839600</fi_required_date>
> -->     <ac_type/>
> </issue>
> Why does it give me sub-objects and not just empty strings for tags that
> have no values as I'd expect??!

first off, why does it matter.

second, i dont think its a bug, thats just how it works,

php > $a = simplexml_load_string('<blah/>');
php > var_dump($a);
object(SimpleXMLElement)#1 (0) {

> I tried all those options above and none of them make a difference.
> SimpleXMLElement Object
> (
>    [crstatus] => i_field_submitted
>    [problem_number] => 151827
>    [problem_synopsis_field] => title
>    [problem_description_field] => description2
>    [fi_priority] => High
> --> [assignee] => SimpleXMLElement Object
>        (
>        )
> --> [fi_notes_oem] => SimpleXMLElement Object
>        (
>        )
>    [fi_sw_part_name] => sw_part_name
>    [fi_general_reference] => general_reference
>    [fi_sw_part_number] => sw_part_num
>    [fi_customer_ecd_date] => 1244703600
>    [fi_sw_part_version] => sw_part_version
>    [fi_required_date] => 1243839600
> --> [ac_type] => SimpleXMLElement Object
>        (
>        )
> )

third the documentation says var_dump() / print_r() are not supported, so i
wouldnt put much stock in the dump of the object above.

from the manual:

"*Note*: SimpleXML has made a rule of adding iterative properties to most
methods. They cannot be viewed using
anything else which can examine objects."


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