Line 29:

        $sql2="UPDATE inventory SET inv_status="assigned" where inv_tag='$inv_tag' ";

will give a php error - it should read either

        $sql2="UPDATE inventory SET inv_status='assigned' where inv_tag='$inv_tag' ";


        $sql2="UPDATE inventory SET inv_status=\"assigned\" where inv_tag='$inv_tag' ";

to be syntactically correct in php.

Balaji Ankem schrieb am Samstag, 28. Juli 2001, 10:41:21:

> Hi dearest friend,
>     can we update the same row immediately after selection.

> please see the following code at line number 29 it is giving error.

> code
> ------------------------------------

> <?php

>       // Connect to MySQL

>      $connection = mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'balaji', 'pingpong' )
>          or die ( 'Unable to connect to server.' );

>      // Select database on MySQL server

>      mysql_select_db( 'imac' )
>          or die ( 'Unable to select database.' );

>      // Formulate the query (inv_tag will come by post method

>      $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE inv_tag = '$inv_tag'";

>      // Execute the query and put results in $result

>      $result1 = mysql_query( $sql1 )
>          or die ( 'Unable to select the data from inventory.' );

>      if ( $result1 )
>      {

>         //change the status of the inventory item in inventory table

>         $sql2="UPDATE inventory SET inv_status="assigned" where inv_tag='$inv_tag' 
>";  // This is line number 29.

>         $result2 = mysql_query( $sql2 )
>                        or die ( 'Unable to execute query for upadation of inventory 
>table.' );

>   $sql3 = "insert into status 

>      $result3 = mysql_query( $sql3 )
>                        or die ( 'Unable to execute query for insertion in to status 
>table.' );

>   }

>      else
>      {

>      // header( 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Private"' );
>      // header( 'HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized' );
>       echo '$inv_tag does not exist';
>       exit;

>    }

>   ?>

> please inform if any errors.

> Thanks in advance.

> Regards
> -Balaji

Werner Stuerenburg            

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Tel 0(049) 5224-997 407 · Fax 0(049) 5224-997 409

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