Well, this is a problem.. with perl, you can use suidperl, but not with 
php.. the most easyest way is to give write permission to apache user to the 
directory you want to upload the files...

Rafael Steil

On Wednesday 24 October 2001 11:43, you wrote:
> Hello-
> I'm trying to write a php script that creates a directory and then copies
> uploaded files to that directory.  That isn't hard but what is hard is the
> fact that the script tells me that i do not have permission to do any of
> these actions.  I'm running red hat 7.1 and I have heard things about
> SetUID and sticky bits, however since I'm pretty much still a novice at
> linux I'm not too sure what to do.  The script is running under the
> username Apache any ideas?
> thanks..
> jay

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