Hi Tommi:

On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 10:54:16AM +0200, Tommi Trinkaus wrote:
> i installed php(4.2)/mysql(2.2.3) on my local server and when i send a query
> using UPDATE or INSERT to the database, i almost got the results twice.
> When i put the same Database on a public webserver (hosteurope), everythin
> works fine.

Without seeing your script, allow me to guess.  Register_globals is turned
on for the public webserver and turned off on your local server.  Then,
you have some control/conditional statement or something that doesn't take
that into consideration, so the condition evaluates to true/false twice, 
so it executes the query twice.

And, no, at this point, don't show us the code.  Check out what I'm
talking about regarding register_globals, carefully examine and then test
your code.


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