On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 7:03 PM, rene7705 <rene7...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm a bit stumped on a javascript problem at the moment, I hope you
> don't mind (too much) that I post it here as well, for a wider
> audience..
> My opensourced htmlMicroscope works well, except when you open a
> sub-array that holds more than say a hundred keys. Maybe 200.
> But the thing is, I'd like it to work on all kinds of arrays,
> including ones that have 1500 keys in some sub-object/array somewhere.
> Like for instance my serviceLog now does when viewing the hits per
> month (not per day).
> And I'm sure other applications that might use my htmlMicroscope will
> suffer suddenly from the same problem, forcing the end-user of hm() to
> mold his data at unexpected turns, and sometimes against his/her
> wishes.
> So I'd like to solve this issue. Please help me out here, I've been
> stuck on it for the better part of a day now..
> This loop needs to be a-synchronized;
> function printLevel : function (data) {
>  var html = '';
>  if (typeof data=='object' && data!==null && data!==undefined) {
>    for (var k in data) {
>      // and the problem is you'd have up to several thousand var k's.
> the loop needs to setTimeout after say a hundred iterations through
> THIS loop...
>      var v = data[k];
>      html += '<tr><td>'+printVariable(k)+'</td><td>'+printVariable
> (v)+'</td></tr>';
>    }
>  }
>  return html;
> }
> function printVariable : function (data) {
>   var t = typeof data;
>   switch (t) {
>     case 'number' :
>     case 'string' :
>     case 'boolean':
>           return data;
>           break;
>     case 'object':
>         return printLevel (data);
>         break;
>   }
> }

Try something like this:

var data;
var index = 0;

function printLevel : function() {
  for(i = 0; i < index + 100 && data.length; i++) {
    // Calculate stuff here
  index += 100;
  // Call setTimeout here

It's untested, but I think this should work, or atleast work with a
few modifications

- Matijn

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