On Wed, 2002-02-06 at 08:26, John Fulton wrote:
> Does anyone know which algorithm in_array() uses?  
> For example, if I say
> in_array("foo", $arr)
> Does in_array() do an unordered sequential serach of $arr for 
> "foo" which takes up to n comparisons [where n = count($arr)],
> or does it do a binary search which takes about lg(n) comparisons?  
> Is it up to me to maintain a sorted array in the later case?  
> Thanks,
>   John

Well, the source for the currect version of that function (as of
4.2.0-dev) is here:


Search down the page for 'php_search_array'--that's the function
which actually does the searching.

Looks like a simple sequential search to me. 


 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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