
The rpm stands for "RedHat Package Manager" and was written by them. 
They have allowed others to use it so the rpm is now meant to stand for 
something else.

The rpm format allows for all dependencies, so it is likely to be less 
problematical than the tar.gzip versions (though it depends on how well 
the rpm installation part was written). The rpm format is intended for 
the unix layouts that use it, tar.gz is more general, though that does 
not mean that tar.gz is any worse.

If you have a full installation of RedHat, you will already have apache, 
php, mysql and postgresql, so the only reason for wanting to change them 
is if you need to upgrade.


Phil Schwarzmann wrote:

>What exactly are these linux redhat rpm packages?  Is this an 'easier'
>way to install mysql/php ??

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