--- On Mon, 9/7/09, Fred Silsbee <fredsils...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: Fred Silsbee <fredsils...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: [PHP] need php_mssql so I retreated to 5.2.10
> To: php-general@lists.php.net
> Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 11:09 PM
> under IE8:
> http://
> with:
>      <?php
>        phpinfo();
>      ?>
> I get :
> The website cannot display the page
> HTTP 500 
>    Most likely causes:
> •The website is under maintenance.
> •The website has a programming error.
> under Firefox 3.5.2
> ___________________________________________
> The specified procedure could not be found.
> ___________________________________________
> I installed :
> php-5.2.10-Win32-VC6-x86.zip and put php.ini in C:\PHP and

Let's start with what OS you're using...  From above ...x86.zip, I presume 
you're using 32bit Windows?

> C:\PHP\ext
> AND C:\WINDOWS, C:\WINDOWS\system and C:\WINDOWS\system32
> I installed FastCGI 1.5 !
> In php.ini I put :
> ________________________________
> cgi.force_redirect = 0         
>         // for CGI
> extension_dir =  "C:\PHP\ext"   (not
> trying to use any extension ...just 
>    get phpinfo to work)
> doc_root = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot" // for IIS/PWS
> an earlier post recommended:
> doc_root =
> _________________________________________________
> IIS 5.1 properties->configuration I added .php 
> C:\PHP\php5.dll

You need to read the docs again... installing CGI does not use *.dll.  You only 
use php5-cgi.exe. Allow DEBUG operations is bad for hack attempts, if this 
setup is for production.

> _________________________________________________
> I added to the XP Prof environment path ;C:\PHP;C:\PHP\ext
> I created an environment variable (and rebooted) PHPRC =
> C:\PHP;C:\PHP\ext
> _________________________________________________
> From the unzipped download,
> I copied ntwdblib.dll to C:\PHP and C:\PHP\ext
> AND C:\WINDOWS, C:\WINDOWS\system and C:\WINDOWS\system32

Doing this will you get you into all kinds of problems.  You should only put 
the right bitwise file into the proper folder.

> I never found any statement of the necessity of requiring
> The instructions ramble around

Which instructions are you referring to?  The online? or the text .txt file?

Any particular reason why you need to use the mssql extension?  It only 
supports connecting to MSSQL 2000 since it uses MS SQL 2000 library headers.  
You might as well use a more current version of PHP and connect to MSSQL via 

> --
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