
Alexander Ross wrote:
> I have an array filled with objects.  Each object has a method called
> "display".
> I have
> $var = $arr[0];
> $var->display();
> but I keep getting an error.  What am I doing wrong?
> (I do a print_r of the array immediately before this code and there is an
> object at array[0])

What classes? Which error? Can't say anything with the scarce info you 
gave in.



LoRd, CaN yOu HeAr Me, LiKe I'm HeArInG yOu?
lOrD i'M sHiNiNg...
YoU kNoW I AlMoSt LoSt My MiNd, BuT nOw I'm HoMe AnD fReE
tHe TeSt, YeS iT iS
ThE tEsT, yEs It Is
tHe TeSt, YeS iT iS
ThE tEsT, yEs It Is.......

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