Hi! My opinion is that you should skip the array step and jump to 
database implementation - it's a slightly different approach and you'd 
have to change most of the array code...



>the following code represents an ineloquent way of capturing data from multiple form 
>fields. currently, i am capturing the data from 4 fields(e.g. ."Choice 1: 
>".$line1."\n")  i could have up to 222 inputs when this is completed.
>what might be a better way of doing this instead of hardcoding 222 different 
>variables?  using and array? i want to be able to send this information as part of 
>the $bid_information variable. i will eventually write this info. to a database, but 
>for now, baby steps.
>  $name=trim($name);
>  $employee_id=trim($employee_id);
>  $month=($month);
>  $aircraft=($aircraft);
>  $position=($position);
>  $bid_position=trim($bid_position);
>  $revision=trim($revision);
>  $line1=trim($line1);
>  $line2=trim($line2);
>  $line3=trim($line3);
>  $line4=trim($line4);
>  $contact= "me"; // person to contact for assistance
>  $toaddress = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";  // the default value
>  $fromaddress = "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";
>  $subject = "Online Bidding";
>  $bid_information = "Name: ".$name."\n" // all the information from the 
>line_bid_sheet form.
>                     ."Employee ID: ".$employee_id."\n"
>                     ."Month: ".$month."\n"
>                     ."Aircraft: ".$aircraft."\n"
>                     ."Position: ".$position."\n"
>                     ."Bid Position: ".$bid_position."\n"
>                     ."Revision: ".$revision."\n\n"
>                     ."Choice 1: ".$line1."\n"
>                     ."Choice 2: ".$line2."\n"
>                     ."Choice 3: ".$line3."\n"
>                     ."Choice 4: ".$line4."\n";
>  mail($toaddress, $subject, $bid_information, $fromaddress);
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