Terence Lee wrote:

>i've uncommended the mcrypt and mhash line in c:\winnt\php.ini. then i
>try to start the apache but encounter the following error msg
>"The procedure entry point _ecalloc could not be located in the dynamic
>link library php4ts.dll"
>"Unable to load dynamic library 'c:\php\extensions\php_mcrypt.dll" - The
>specified procedure could not be found."
>"mhash: Unable to initialize module
>Module compiled with module API=20010901, debug=0, thread-safety=1
>PHP compiled with module API=20020429, debug=0, thread-safety=1
>There options need to match"
The problem is here:

These options need to match

Your modules are too old, they use one year old API , get new ones.

>i m sure that the "php_mcrypt.dll" is already in that location. i've
>also tried to change the "extension_dir" in c:\winnt\php.ini to
>and copied all the required dll to corresponding directories. same error
>was encountered when i start the apache. can you advice how can i solve
>i've also installed the

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