Haven't you already posted this?


on 05/12/02 10:20 AM, Robert Samuel White ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Hello, I am the creator of eNetwizard Content Management Server, an open
> source content management system using the LAMP suite.  I am getting
> ready for its first major release and have come across some problems
> that I need to address first...  I'm not really sure where to start this
> is such a *huge* project...
> Some preliminary information about the project can be found here:
> http://projects.enetwizard.net/cmserver.ehtml
> http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=12504&group_id=59790
> Content is stored as XML in files within a matrix folder.  eNetwizard
> defines several scopes allowing templates and content to be generated on
> the fly in a scopeable manner.  For example, any website at
> enetwizard.net has the same look and feel because of the domain scope
> matrix file; I have made this file publicly accessible if you go here:
> http://www.enetwizard.net/matrix1.php
> Another scope is the page scope which is where the main content for a
> page is located, so for the default page at enetwizard.net, it looks
> like this file:
> http://www.enetwizard.net/matrix2.php
> This allows the server to automatically assemble and render content in a
> variety of formats as you can see here:
> http://www.enetwizard.net/default.exml   (as XML)
> http://www.enetwizard.net/default.ehtml  (as HTML)
> This is the main idea behind "general content" stored by the server --
> there are other ways of doing things that are even more advanced but
> they will not be discussed here.  In order for this to work, I created
> an xmldoc class that can assemble all of the files together and create
> the file accordingly.  It is then outputted via the server class.
> Examples of these files are here:
> http://www.enetwizard.net/xmldoc.php
> http://www.enetwizard.net/server.php
> Worth noting, the matrix files can contain PHP code, which is evaluated
> in the xmldoc class to create an actual XML document.  These two classes
> are in their elementary forms.  And they already have more issues than
> can be tolerated for such an advanced content management system.  First
> of all, I cannot use the & character anywhere because of the fact it is
> an XML file.  This creates a serious problem and must be addressed.
> Secondly, any errors that exist in a matrix file will effectively break
> the page.  This too is a major issue that muse be addressed, especially
> since it conflicts with the website wizard (which is responsible for
> managing existing and new content).
> I believe there must be a smarter way to do this and I would like any
> feedback one might have in this arena.  I believe using regex's might be
> a better solution, especially since some unique tags, such as a <WIZARD>
> tag must replace be replaced by the xmldoc class with the actual content
> of the wizard it is referencing, same scenario for the <OBJECT> tag
> (which are customizable web applications), etc.  At present this cannot
> work the way I have it set up.
> I cannot make a public release until this is fixed stably and fully
> productive.  I am looking for someone who can help me with this XML
> stuff, and other competent programmers who would like to volunteer for
> this project.  And I'm always interested in those who can translate both
> the localization files (eNetwizard supports any language) and the main
> network (enetwizard.net) into other languages.  Please contact me if you
> can help.  Thanks!
> If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them.
> Robert Samuel White
> eNetwizard Technical Services
> 284 Walnut
> Highland, Michigan  48357
> +1 (248) 889-6363
> www.rswfire.com
> www.enetwizard.net
> --
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Justin French
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