On Mon, 10 Sep 2001 12:57, Chris Aitken wrote:
> Hey all,
> Ive got a bit of a curly one I haven't been able to work out yet...
> Here is the scenareo....
> I have a GSM Modem sitting on the serial port of a FreeBSD 4.0 box. It
> has some software running which basically conrols the GSM modem.
> When I use it command line, I issue it the command and it does its
> stuff and outputs me some data so I know its outcome (whether it was
> successful or not depends on what is output).
> This is fine because I can make the script wait for the output from the
> spawned command when I do it via PHP.
> The question is, whenever an SMS message comes into the GSM modem, it
> outputs some more text. Now.. if in sitting in console on the box, it
> comes up on my screen. What I want to be able to do is, whenever a
> message comes into the GSM modem, somehow detect it, fire off a PHP
> script I will write, and do whatever it needs to do with it.
> I just dont know how to go about waiting for some form of output in
> FreeBSD, when it happens fire off a script.
> I dont know if what im talking about makes sense, or is even doable,
> but if anyone has any ideas or suggestions it'd be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Chris

When this particular app that watches the modem is started, could you add 
something (like perhaps tee) to the startup command to direct the output 
of the app to your script as well as stdout (and/or stderror)?

David Robley      Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

   All wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awound?

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