Phil Schwarzmann wrote:

>I'm a Linux newbie.  I just installed Linux Red Hat 7.2 successfully.  I
>have some instructions to install php/mysql/apache and have a couple
Fire away.

>Which is better, GNOME or KDE?  I seem to like the feel of KDE better.
This is just for a user logged in. It does not affect apache/php/mysql 
as those are simply server processes over a network. By default both 
Gnome and KDE are installed (well, I choose the "custom" then "install 
everything" option). You can switch from one to another.

>Does Apache or php or mysql already come preloaded on Linux Red Hat?
Yes, all of them

>Any tips you want to give me when installing all this stuff.  I had a
>hard ass time getting this to work on Windows, so now I gave up and went
>to Linux.
As I use linux, I've never tried installing these under windows. I 
gather there are several installers around, some are reputed to work 
very well.

>Your thoughts?
What I am thinking is not for this list :-)

You are welcome. Hope it helps.


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