This is the way I would do it: split your CSV into an array.
Then traverse the array, saving any data and incrementing
a counter for any empty element.  Finally set up some
conditional statements with the counter to output the table
the way you want.  Still with me?  Here is some sample
code I threw together.  You may have to play with it to
get it working the way you want... but it should at least give
you a starting point.

<HTML><BODY><Table Border=1>
  $fp = fopen("file.csv",r);
  while (!feof ($fp)) {
    $buffer = fgets($fp, 4096);
    $linearr = explode(",",$buffer);
    $outarr = "";
    echo "<TR>\n";
    for($j=0; $j < count($linearr); $j++) {
      if ($linearr[$j] == "") {
      } else {
        $outarr[] = chop($linearr[$j]);

    if ($colspan == 0) {
      echo "<TD>$outarr[0]</TD>\n";
    } else {
      if(count($outarr) == 0)
        echo "<TD Colspan=$colspan></TD>\n";
        echo "<TD Colspan=$colspan>$outarr[0]</TD>\n";
    for($j=1; $j < count($outarr); $j++) {
      echo "<TD>$outarr[$j]</TD>\n";
    echo "</TR>\n";

Sheridan Saint-Michel
Website Administrator
FoxJet, an ITW Company

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Torraca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 11:02 AM
Subject: [PHP] smart table construction from array

> Hello All --
> I have a csv file that I need to parse into a table.  Getting the
> file open and into stuffed into an array is not really a problem, but
> I want PHP to adapt the table structure to the data on the fly.  For
> example, some data (from the stamp buying list):
> 26,used,3¢ Washington Dull Red type II,$1.00 ,-,-
> "Fine + OG Hinged 232-40, 285-90, 294-99, 323-7 wanted. Call or
> 534A,single,"2¢ Washington, type VI (imperf, offset)",$20.00 ,$12.00
> 534B,single,"2¢ Washington, type Va (imperf, offset)",Needed Urgently!,,
> I can easily get line 1 and 3 can easily into:
> <td>26</td><td>3¢ Washington Dull Red type
> II</td><td>$1.00</td><td>-</td><td>-</td>
> but line 2 and 4 are my problem.  I want PHP to take line 2 and see
> that there is only one cell of data in the  and four blanks in the
> array and thus create:
> <td colspan=5>Fine + OG Hinged 232-40, 285-90, 294-99, 323-7 wanted.
> Call or ship!</td>
> PHP should see that line 4 ends in two blanks and thus should output:
> <td>34B</td><td>single </td><td>2¢ Washington, type Va (imperf,
> offset) </td><td colspan=3>Needed Urgently!"
> but I'm having some real trouble figuring out the logic/control
> structures to do this.  If there is a class out there that does this,
> I'd be happy to hear of it.  But I suspect my inexperience is the
> real problem: I'm really hoping that someone can explain the logic of
> how this might be done.
> thanks in advance.
> peter
> --
> Peter Torraca
> --
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