It is the response code and the number of bytes transferred.

These are the codes:

#define HTTP_CONTINUE                      100
#define HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS           101
#define HTTP_PROCESSING                    102
#define HTTP_OK                            200
#define HTTP_CREATED                       201
#define HTTP_ACCEPTED                      202
#define HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE             203
#define HTTP_NO_CONTENT                    204
#define HTTP_RESET_CONTENT                 205
#define HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT               206
#define HTTP_MULTI_STATUS                  207
#define HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES              300
#define HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY             301
#define HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY             302
#define HTTP_SEE_OTHER                     303
#define HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED                  304
#define HTTP_USE_PROXY                     305
#define HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT            307
#define HTTP_BAD_REQUEST                   400
#define HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED                  401
#define HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED              402
#define HTTP_FORBIDDEN                     403
#define HTTP_NOT_FOUND                     404
#define HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED            405
#define HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE                406
#define HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT              408
#define HTTP_CONFLICT                      409
#define HTTP_GONE                          410


On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, [iso-8859-1] Jimmy Bäckström wrote:

> Hey!
> I know the question is somewhat missplaced thought I think someone on this list 
>should be able to answer me.
> I'm doing a statistics application wich uses the apache http-acces.log file. One 
>line looks like this:
> - - [03/Oct/2000:09:39:04 +0200] "GET /temp/odenresor HTTP/1.1" 301 
>324 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)"
> My question is what the numbers 301 324 (between "GET /temp/odenresor HTTP/1.1" and 
>"-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)") represents. I have thought 
>much about it but haven't come up with an answer. So please help!!
> //Broder

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