If you want to do relative includes, you must have a . in
your include_path.  Maybe this is what you are meaning to
do.  Please reread this:


And if you still have problems after adjusting it and restarting
the web server, tell us your include_path definition and make
sure it's the same as reported in phpinfo().


On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, Omar wrote:

> I updated php from version 3 to 4.2.3 on a win NT 4 server (with iss 4).
> Everything went ok, but the include() function.
> I have problems when including files.
> I tried to specify a directory in the php.ini file but it still didn't work.
> This is how i have the include line:
> include ('file.inc');
> I copied the file to the folder where my php file is, to the directory where
> originally was (x:\path\includes) and it doesn't work.
> I really need some help.
> Thanx.
> -- 
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