At 9/7/2002, you wrote:
>the example I have below.. I'm able to get working using the 'echo' command.
>But I would like to know how to format the same using the 'print' command.
>I am familiar with both. but with this one instance I am not sure how to 
>format the print command correctly to get the same results as the echo 
>command. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>         $variable1[0]="one";
>         $variable2[0]="two";
>         $variable3[0]="three";
>         $variable4[0]="four";
>         $j=1;
>         while($j<5){
>                 echo ${"variable"."$j"}[0];
>                 $j++;
>         }


I don't get it, it works identically with echo and with print, doesn't it?


                 print ${"variable"."$j"}[0];

If you get kicks from odd coding styles you might also use eval  :)


                 eval("print \"\$variable" . $j . "[0]<br>\";");

Pekka Saarinen

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