On 11 Oct 2011 at 11:25, David Robley <robl...@aapt.net.au> wrote: 

> Tim Streater wrote:

>> On 11 Oct 2011 at 10:47, David Robley <robl...@aapt.net.au> wrote:

>>> Tim Streater wrote:

>>>> On 11 Oct 2011 at 03:03, Paul M Foster <pa...@quillandmouse.com> wrote:

>>>>> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 04:14:00PM +0100, Tim Streater wrote:

>>>>>> I would like to use the SQLite3 (not PDO) interface to SQLite, and I
>>>>>> would like to be able to supply a string containing several SQL
>>>>>> statements and have them all executed, thus saving the overhead of
>>>>>> several calls. It *appears* that this may be how it actually works,
>>>>>> but I wondered if anyone could confirm that.

>>>>> The docs appear to agree that this is allowed. See:

>>>>> http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.sqlite-exec.php

>>>> That's the SQLite interface, though, rather than the SQLite3 one. The
>>>> latter just says: "Executes an SQL query ...".

>>> Not to be a smartass or anything, but what about TIAS ?

>> What that?

> Er, Try It And See
> A couple of minutes experimentation might have saved you the time of email,
> wait for an answer ...

Well, there is an sqlite3 executable that one can run to do CLI things to a 
database. OS X comes with that and I was also able to download the source of 
that program, and the SQLite C amalgamation, and rebuild it myself. It is 
certainly possible, with that program, to execute a sequence of semi-colon 
separated statements. It *doesn't* work with PHP's PDO interface to sqlite, as 
I found in a test program I put together; I haven't properly tested that with 
the sqlite3 interface. I've tried asking on the sqlite general mailing list and 
(to me at least), the answers are at best unclear. There is a function, part of 
the C interface to sqlite, that talks about a sequence of statements, but I 
guess ultimately it depends on how the writer of the PHP sqlite3 interface 
implemented it.

Cheers  --  Tim

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