So under the time() call, comparing it to a simple numerical value such as
"300" it knows that you are talking about 300 seconds?  Is that because it
is a unix timestamp?  I previously tried using date("s") to give me the
seconds from today's date then tried the compare, so using time() will work
better.  Thanks a ton.
"Asmodean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> J> I am not able to test from this machine so please tell me if I am right
> J> wrong on this:
> J> $tmp = time();
> J> $tme = time() - 5*60;
> J> session_register('tmp');
> if ($tmp >>= $tme) {
> J>     echo 'Time has not reached 5 minutes, session still valid';
> J> } else {
> J>     echo 'Timer has reached 5 minutes, you will need to log back in to
> J> continue.'; }
> J> "Asmodean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> J> Not sure how to go about setting up a function to parse the date,
> >> J> minutes, seconds, take the seconds and register them in a session
> J> then
> >> J> do a check on the session var (seconds) vs. the seconds var + 5*60
> J> 5
> >> J> minutes) to time out the session and force the user to log back in.
> >> J> problem is finding the correct way to check the seconds in php.  Any
> J> help or
> >> J> pointers is appreciated.
> >> J> Jas
> >>
> >> time() will give you a UNIX timestamp. Use it to do the math.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Best regards,
> >>  Asmodean                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> Let's assume you've set your session timestamp (assume it's called
> $session_time) to time() at the time of login. Now, in the script...
> if ((time() + 300) > $session_time) {
> }
> This would be a check to see if the session is still valid. Timewise.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Asmodean                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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