On Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 2:05:50 AM, Zlutarch G. wrote:
> Thanks. I added error_reporting (E_ALL); and it gave me the following error
> msg: "Warning: Undefined index: var in c:\program files\apache 
> group\apache\htdocs\php\superstock\ssi\valuecalc\valuescreen\testsess.php on 
> line 6"

> Here is line 6: echo "session var: ".$_SESSION["var"]."<br>";

> Apparently, there is no session variable! Does that mean the session was not 
> created? I thought the session is created if I get the same session ID each 
> time I reload the page.

It's saying that there is no variable named var stored in the session. I'm at a
loss. I can't see any reason why it's not working. What URL does the link in
your page go to? It should have a query string on it. Does it?


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