php-general Digest 11 Mar 2002 02:59:42 -0000 Issue 1219

Topics (messages 87903 through 87945):

newbie:  the superglobal $_SESSION
        87903 by: bob
        87909 by: Matt Schroebel

PHP/Apache/Windows question
        87904 by: George E. Papadakis

Re: CSS Group
        87905 by: Shu Chow

MySQL and apostrophes, interesting problem. 42082
        87906 by: Nick Patsaros
        87910 by: Matt Schroebel

        87907 by: Roman

Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL and apostrophes, interesting problem. 42082
        87908 by: Robert Weeks

scope issue?
        87911 by: Nick Wilson

which rights to set for dirs containing uploaded files?
        87912 by: Andy
        87916 by: Matt Schroebel

setting up virtual hosts
        87913 by: Andy
        87925 by: Chris Hewitt

Re: Alphabet
        87914 by: Angel Fenoy

Re: gd-library ...
        87915 by: Andy

Re: Netscape vs. IE/Mozilla
        87917 by: James Arthur

Can Anyone translate my script to php?
        87918 by: Ceyhun Güler
        87919 by: Jason Wong
        87922 by: Michael Kimsal
        87923 by: Ceyhun Güler
        87924 by: Ceyhun Güler
        87926 by: Ceyhun Güler
        87927 by: Lauri Vain
        87928 by: Ceyhun Güler
        87929 by: Ceyhun Güler

Re: PDFLib
        87920 by: Jason Wong

who can translate my ASP codes to PHP code? its very simple asp code...
        87921 by: Ceyhun Güler

parse error? how can I print spesific message for all error mesage
        87930 by: Ceyhun Güler
        87931 by: hugh danaher

xslt encoding problem
        87932 by: Mike Eynon

Testing mail functionality on a local network possible?
        87933 by: Andy
        87934 by: Demitrious S. Kelly

SAPDB compile problem
        87935 by: Alex Black

Reading lines from a CSV file
        87936 by: Don
        87937 by: Hank Marquardt

Re: Checking to see what value error_reporting is set at?
        87938 by: David Robley

A stupid question...
        87939 by: Chuck \"PUP\" Payne
        87944 by: Cary
        87945 by: Chuck \"PUP\" Payne

Apache Password Encryption (php)
        87940 by: Ellis M. Mendez-Hidaka

        87941 by: jtjohnston
        87942 by: jtjohnston
        87943 by: jtjohnston


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--- Begin Message ---
In mannual,it says:
creating new entries in the $_SESSION array will automatically
register them as session variables, as if you called
If you are using $HTTP_SESSION_VARS/$_SESSION, do not use
session_register(), session_is_registered() and session_unregister()
unless you know internal of session module. 

but ,
Example 1.


if (!isset($_SESSION['count'])) {
    $_SESSION['count'] = 0;
else {
echo $count;
I only get a warning :Warning: Undefined variable: count in
C:\WebShare\wwwroot\netk\5\test.php on line 

whie in the following example:
if (!isset($_SESSION['count'])) {
    $_SESSION['count'] = 0;
else {
echo $count;
it outputs 1(2,3......)

thanks in advance.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
> <?php
add a session_start() here
> if (!isset($_SESSION['count'])) {
>     $_SESSION['count'] = 0;
> }
> else {
>     $_SESSION['count']++;
> }
> echo $count;
> ?>

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hello ,

I am using PHP 4.x on Windows/Apache 1.3.x.
Using the same confing on Linux , I can get  something like
index.php/something/anotherSomething/blah blah.
Trying to do this @ windows just failes. I think it has to do with Apache
look back feature which for some reason is not working on Windows. The only
thing I get is premature end of headers error..
Any ideas what migh be wrong.?

-- GeorgeP

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
>Can anyone recommend a good CSS news group?

Eric Meyer, author of O'Reilly's CSS book and keeper of Web Review's 
master list runs an excellent CSS mailing list.
Shu-Wai Chow, Iron Chef Sloppy Joes :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice...
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
                                -Barry Goldwater
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I'm working with a simple form which submits field
data to a MySQL database.  This is for the purpose of
generating a dynamic news page for my site. 
Interestingly enough I've found that any time I try to
submit data that contains an apostrophe "'" it gives
me an error and will not send the data (any of it) to
the database. 

How can I change my database query, or escape out
apostrophes?  I'm looking for the easiest fix out
there of course.  Below is my current DB query. I
realize I'm using apostrophes for my variables... is
this acceptable syntax and/or is there a replacement?

$query = "INSERT into $table values ('0', '$year',
'$month', '$day', '$hour', '$minutes', '$seconds',
'$article_name', '$content', '$admin_name')";

Do You Yahoo!?
Try FREE Yahoo! Mail - the world's greatest free email!
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Read the manual about magic_quotes_gpc and addslashes()
I prefer to add slashes myself, that way I can verify input lengths but it
has the risk that I might miss a field. The trouble with magic_quotes_gpc is
that if you have to re-display a variable you have to stripslashes() first.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Patsaros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [PHP] MySQL and apostrophes, interesting problem. 42082

> I'm working with a simple form which submits field
> data to a MySQL database.  This is for the purpose of
> generating a dynamic news page for my site.
> Interestingly enough I've found that any time I try to
> submit data that contains an apostrophe "'" it gives
> me an error and will not send the data (any of it) to
> the database.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
i got the following problem:
i'm using linux/redhat7.2/apache/php

php was working good, but as i changed the files in the /var/www/ directory
my the following error occured:
warning...failed for inclusion index.php ...(include
path="/usr/share/php/:/php/includes/")...unknown in line 0

can someone halp me?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
See the manual at


I've found it easier to just turn on magic-quotes in the php.ini file

This is all covered at

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nick Patsaros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 11:23 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] MySQL and apostrophes, interesting problem. 42082

> I'm working with a simple form which submits field
> data to a MySQL database.  This is for the purpose of
> generating a dynamic news page for my site. 
> Interestingly enough I've found that any time I try to
> submit data that contains an apostrophe "'" it gives
> me an error and will not send the data (any of it) to
> the database. 
> How can I change my database query, or escape out
> apostrophes?  I'm looking for the easiest fix out
> there of course.  Below is my current DB query. I
> realize I'm using apostrophes for my variables... is
> this acceptable syntax and/or is there a replacement?
> $query = "INSERT into $table values ('0', '$year',
> '$month', '$day', '$hour', '$minutes', '$seconds',
> '$article_name', '$content', '$admin_name')";
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Try FREE Yahoo! Mail - the world's greatest free email!
> -- 
> PHP Database Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hash: SHA1

I have the solution to my problem here but can't see why i need it?

this snippet takes $AuthId from a form and but does not work (doesn't
seem to pass it to the function)

        case "edit":

but this works fine...
        case "edit":


Many thanks....

- -- 
- -----------------------------------------------------------   |    Projects, Forums and
                        +    Articles for website owners 
- -- Nick Wilson --     |    and designers.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi there,

I am wondering which right I should set for a directory where users can
upload pictures. What would be a secure way? Currenly I did set the rights
to 777 which allows everything. This seams verry insecure to me. But
otherwise php can't store the file.

Thanx for any suggestion.

Thanx andy

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [PHP] which rights to set for dirs containing uploaded files?

> I am wondering which right I should set for a directory where users can
> upload pictures. What would be a secure way? Currenly I did set the rights
> to 777 which allows everything. This seams verry insecure to me. But
> otherwise php can't store the file.

You can also set the owner of the directory to nobody:nobody and give write
auth to user and group but not other. That probably wouldn't make any
security difference on a dedicated server, but would on a shared box.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi guys,

I know this is not an apache group, but I am sure you guys did deal with the
same problem as I do currently. So somebody might know it.

I did set up 3 Virtual hosts in my httpd.conf with the same ip adress but a
different name and dir. Serving 3 different applications. This works fine on
the local machine. As soon as I access the names from another machine in my
network I do only get the first application (the first entered in the
httpd.conf). No matter which name I type in.

Does anybody know how to solve this prob or can make a good hint?

Thanx in advance


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Have you set up dns so that all three URLs translate to the same ip 
address? Just a thought. You could use tcpdump (assuming you are on 
unix) to check whether apache (port 80 or whatever) is being called and 
whether dns queries are answered with the right ip address.



Andy wrote:

>Hi guys,
>I know this is not an apache group, but I am sure you guys did deal with the
>same problem as I do currently. So somebody might know it.
>I did set up 3 Virtual hosts in my httpd.conf with the same ip adress but a
>different name and dir. Serving 3 different applications. This works fine on
>the local machine. As soon as I access the names from another machine in my
>network I do only get the first application (the first entered in the
>httpd.conf). No matter which name I type in.
>Does anybody know how to solve this prob or can make a good hint?
>Thanx in advance

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Robert V. Zwink wrote:
> What could be simpler than:
> $range = implode(" ", range('A', 'Z'));
> echo $range;
> result:
> A B C D . . .

The most short expression I found:

echo $r;


> Am I missing something here?  All this loop, chr() & ord() stuff going on. .

Function range() is buggy in PHP 4.0.6 and others... range(int, int) is 
ok, but range(str, str) is not.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Marcel,

I did struggle with the same prop a while ago.

It's quit easy. Get yourself php4.1.2 . This version has the gd library
included. after installing uncomment
the libgd module line in php.ini. Look out for the different versions. There
might be one line for the old 1.8x library.
save it and restart your webserver.

Thats it.

Good luck, Andy

"Marcel Besancon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi,
>     i'm trying to use the gd-library under windows, but it doesn't work.
> can I include the gd.dll? Where do I put this file? I tried some different
> directories which are written in the php.ini as include-directories. What
> I doing wrong? Is there a way to use this library under windows???
> Any hint can be useful.
> Sincerely
> Marcel
> --
> registered Fli4l-User #00000388

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Friday 08 Mar 2002 15:44, Vlad Kulchitski wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I know it's a wrong place to ask about this, but I am sure someone here
> faced the same problem. I am trying to get the site to look consistent
> in
> Netscape Navigator and it's giving me hard times.

Yes, this is a bug in Netscape 4.x. You just have to make your site so that 
it doesn't look too bad without the table backgrounds.

> Either tables or/and cell background doesn't show up or spacing between
> two tables is not what it is supposed to be.

Netscape doen't do table backgrounds properly.

I suppose you could test to see if the client browser is Netscape<6 and 
adjust accordingly..?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I have a small picture and when I click on this image
image opens resimgoster.asp with "resimgoster.asp?res=main tumbled images
and this asp code includes

location=replace(location, " ", "/")

<img src="<%=location%>">

this code gets "res" variable and replace " " fields with "/"
by this way I use only one file to enlarge of these picture...
but I need it in php now

can any one translate my asp code to php code?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Monday 11 March 2002 01:48, Ceyhun Güler wrote:
> I have a small picture and when I click on this image
> image opens resimgoster.asp with "resimgoster.asp?res=main tumbled images
> picture.jpg"
> and this asp code includes
> <%@language="vbscript"%>
> <%location=request.querystring("res")
> location=replace(location, " ", "/")
> %>
> <body>
> <img src="<%=location%>">
> </body>
> this code gets "res" variable and replace " " fields with "/"
> by this way I use only one file to enlarge of these picture...
> but I need it in php now
> can any one translate my asp code to php code?

There's a program called asp2php which does just that, converting asp code 
into php:

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->

You are going to have a new love affair.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Ceyhun GüLer wrote:
> I have a small picture and when I click on this image
> image opens resimgoster.asp with "resimgoster.asp?res=main tumbled images
> picture.jpg"
> and this asp code includes
> <%@language="vbscript"%>
> <%location=request.querystring("res")
> location=replace(location, " ", "/")
> %>
> <body>
> <img src="<%=location%>">
> </body>
> this code gets "res" variable and replace " " fields with "/"
> by this way I use only one file to enlarge of these picture...
> but I need it in php now
> can any one translate my asp code to php code?

I'd probably do something like

<? $l = str_replace(" ","/",$res); ?>
<img src="<?=$l;?>">

I'm relying on the fact that $res would be autodefined
as a variable from the querystring.  This behaviour is
not standard in the latest version of PHP I believe, but
most versions before have it come by default.  The server admin
may have disabled it, but by default that happens.  If it's
not on, you could add a line to make it:

<? $res = $HTTP_GET_VARS["res"];
$l = str_replace(" ","/",$res); ?>
<img src="<?=$l;?>">

Michael Kimsal
Taking the ? out of <?php

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
but my link will be
"resimgoster.php?res=main images picture.jpg"

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thankss Jason!
I m downloading it

"Jason Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Monday 11 March 2002 01:48, Ceyhun Güler wrote:
> > I have a small picture and when I click on this image
> > image opens resimgoster.asp with "resimgoster.asp?res=main tumbled
> > picture.jpg"
> > and this asp code includes
> >
> > <%@language="vbscript"%>
> > <%location=request.querystring("res")
> > location=replace(location, " ", "/")
> > %>
> >
> > <body>
> > <img src="<%=location%>">
> > </body>
> >
> > this code gets "res" variable and replace " " fields with "/"
> > by this way I use only one file to enlarge of these picture...
> > but I need it in php now
> >
> > can any one translate my asp code to php code?
> There's a program called asp2php which does just that, converting asp code
> into php:
> --
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
> /*
> You are going to have a new love affair.
> */

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
look here
I have tried to do it
but notting happens?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Ceyhun

> look here
> I have tried to do it but notting happens?

Open that page in your browser and 'View source'. You don't seem to have
PHP enabled on your server. 

Tharapita Creations
[dynamic web applications]
Mobile: +372 53 410 610 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I ll try it on my local host

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks everyone!

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Sunday 10 March 2002 16:29, Evan Nemerson wrote:
> From
> "This demo stamp appears when one of our binaries distributed by PDFlib
> GmbH is used. It can be disabled by purchasing a PDFlib license, and
> applying the delivered license key (serial) at runtime with the
> PDF_set_parameter() function as indicated in the manual. With the
> ActiveX/COM edition of PDFlib the serial can also be supplied during the
> installation process."
> I have a license key, now what parameters do I pass PDF_set_parameter()?
> The PHP man doesn't say, nor does the PDFLib man (so far as I can tell).
> Any help would be greatly appreciated- I'm getting pretty frustrated.

Manual, chapter 3.1.1 The PDFlib Demo Stamp and Serial Numbers.

  PDF_set_parameter(p, "serial", "...your serial string...");

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->

One can't proceed from the informal to the formal by formal means.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I have a small picture and when I click on this image
image opens resimgoster.asp with "resimgoster.asp?res=main tumbled images
and this asp code includes

location=replace(location, " ", "/")

<img src="<%=location%>">

this code gets "res" variable and replace " " fields with "/"
by this way I use only one file to enlarge of these picture...
but I need it in php now

can any one translate my asp code to php code?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Parse error: parse error in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\kocak\resimgoster.php on line

How can I print my own message like "sorry not avaiable!"
for all error happening in my php file
but I want to make it only for this file
I don' t want to configure My IIS....

My script was which Michael Kimsal was helped me to translate with " can
anyone translate my script to php? post"--->

<? $d = $HTTP_GET_VARS["dir"];
$r = $HTTP_GET_VARS["res"]
$d = str_replace("%","/",$d);
<img src="<?=$d;?>/<?=$r;?>">



--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Your line 2 doesn't end with a semicolon and causes the parse error on the
next line.
I don't think you can suppress parse errors because your code isn't running

once your code is running you can append die() to any decision statement or
you can append echo

If (!isset($r)) die("$r wasn't set");
If (!isset($r)) echo "$r wasn't set";

Hope this helps,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ceyhun Güler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 12:05 PM
Subject: [PHP] parse error? how can I print spesific message for all error

> Parse error: parse error in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\kocak\resimgoster.php on
> 3
> How can I print my own message like "sorry not avaiable!"
> for all error happening in my php file
> but I want to make it only for this file
> I don' t want to configure My IIS....
> My script was which Michael Kimsal was helped me to translate with " can
> anyone translate my script to php? post"--->
> <? $d = $HTTP_GET_VARS["dir"];
> $r = $HTTP_GET_VARS["res"]
> $d = str_replace("%","/",$d);
> ?>
> <title><?=$r;?></title>
> <body>
> <img src="<?=$d;?>/<?=$r;?>">
> </body>
> ThankS!
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Howdy all.

I am trying to use the new XSLT translation stuff in 4.1.1 with Win2k and
IIS running ISAPI.

When I try to run even the simplest example, I get the following error:

unknown encoding ''

I have tried specifying the encoding in both the XML and XSL files, and even
tried both "UTF-8" and "ISO-8859-1".

Has anyone seen this?  I am pretty much stuck and in need of at least a

Below are the following xml, xsl, and php source files I am using.

t1.xml >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]


t1.xsl >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

        <xsl:output method="html" encoding="UTF-8

        <xsl:template match="/">
                                <title>Mike's php xml test</title>
                                <xsl:apply-templates select="//Employee"/>

        <xsl:template match="Employee">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="Email"/>

        <xsl:template match="Email">
                <xsl:value-of select="."/>



t1.php >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    $xsl_parser = xslt_create();


                print("XML Exists<BR>\n");
                print("XSL Exists<BR>\n");

    $result = xslt_process($xsl_parser,$xmlf,$xslf,$outf);

    if ($result)
        echo "$result";
        $err1 = xslt_error($xsl_parser);
        $err2 = xslt_errno($xsl_parser);
        echo "<BR><BR><B>Bummer.</B> <br><br><br>";
        echo "$err1 <br>";
        echo "$err2 <br>";



I robbed some of my test code from the example Christian posted
a couple days ago.  Thanks Christian.

// Mike Eynon
// 1366 Bulb Ave
// Santa Cruz, CA  95062
// 831.588.2388 (cell)

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi there,

I am wondering if it would be possible to send an e-mail inside my
production environment without connecting to the internet. My application is
running on OSX and I would like to send mail via php to the win2k machine. I
was reading something about mailservers but did not really get if this would
be possible without connection to the internet.

Does anybody know a good article on that, or could give me a hint?



--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
If you are running a good mailserver (I use qmail + linux or freebsd)
you can send mail internally without being connected to anything...
generally address@localhost will send without a connection to the
internet, or [EMAIL PROTECTED] if the mail server is configured to
accept mail for  

After that the matter of connecting to the mailbox and actually reading
the mail is your problem :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 2:01 PM
Subject: [PHP] Testing mail functionality on a local network possible?

Hi there,

I am wondering if it would be possible to send an e-mail inside my
production environment without connecting to the internet. My
application is
running on OSX and I would like to send mail via php to the win2k
machine. I
was reading something about mailservers but did not really get if this
be possible without connection to the internet.

Does anybody know a good article on that, or could give me a hint?



PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
hi all,

Apologize if php-dev is inappropriate, but since this is a compile problem I
thought it would be relevant. I have cc:d the sapdb-general list as they
should be aware of these compile problems (and that is where I first asked
for help). I would like to construct a guide for people using SAPDB with PHP
in real multi-machine "enterprise" situations and will do so when I resolve
this compile issue:

I'm trying to compile PHP 4.1.1 on RH 6.2 w/SAPDB. Yes, I will upgrade to
4.1.2 very soon :)


During make, I get:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsqlrte

Which is surprising because I rsynced my copy of sqlrte into
/opt/sapdb/depend/lib from a "real" install I have on another machine. (the
"real" is a full, current server install... on this machine I only want the
client libs)

I also used the tarball from

which is (unless I am wrong, please correct me) fairly useless because it
does not contain that sqlrte lib that is required by PHP when compiling

anyway, despite having included the correct path(s):



and having run ldconfig...

I still get 

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsqlrte

What's worse (and much more confusing):

root@core lib> ld -v |grep sql
/// i.e. no results from this search, which lists all known libs

root@core lib> ldconfig -v |grep sql => => =>

// note that ldconfig _is_ tracking these libs. AGH!

I have never seen an instance where ldconfig knows about something ld

I tried coping all files to /opt/sapdb/interfaces/odbc/lib just to give it a
shot, and that didn't work (though I'm not surprised it didn't). I have also
tried a number of variations of the --with-sapdb path just to ensure it
isn't me being a complete idiot.

what should I try next? or better, does anyone know how to solve this

PS: PLEASE email me directly. I'll cee my responses and findings to the
list, but I'm not subscribed.

tia all,

project leader, binarycloud

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I have a comma delimited text file composed of many rows of text.  I've been looking 
at the PHP documentation for file system functions but cannot see a way to read a file 
row by row.  Each row may be different byte length.  How do I read only a row and have 
the file pointer at the start of the next row so I can read it, etc... until eof?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

The manual is your friend:)

If you like to do the work yourself, file() will suck the whole thing
into an array with the elements being the lines of the file.

On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 08:35:03PM -0500, Don wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a comma delimited text file composed of many rows of text.  I've been looking 
>at the PHP documentation for file system functions but cannot see a way to read a 
>file row by row.  Each row may be different byte length.  How do I read only a row 
>and have the file pointer at the start of the next row so I can read it, etc... until 
> Thanks,
> Don

Hank Marquardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG Id: 2BB5E60C
Fingerprint: D807 61BC FD18 370A AC1D  3EDF 2BF9 8A2D 2BB5 E60C
*** Web Development: PHP, MySQL/PgSQL - Network Admin: Debian/FreeBSD
*** PHP Instructor - Intnl. Webmasters Assn./HTML Writers Guild 
*** Beginning PHP && PHP II -- Starting March 25, 2002 
*** See
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In article <01ba01c1c7ca$bd95b1f0$0501a8c0@zaireweb>, 
> I ment, if you re-set it, as im setting it to error_reporting(E_ALL);
> depending on a value i get from a db query...
> -Eric
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Robley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 6:52 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Re: Checking to see what value error_reporting is set at?
> > In article <00b801c1c714$b4854230$0501a8c0@zaireweb>,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> > > Is it possible to return what error_reporting is set at currently?  If
> not, think they would be able to throw it into the newest build of php?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Eric
> > >
> >
> > Have a look at the ini_get function

Well, the way I understand the manual entry, it returns the current value 
- mind you I haven't tried it. Looking through the manual, I also found 
get_cfg_var which might be worth a try.

I would highly recommend you grab a copy of the manual - if you are on 
Windows the CFM version is readily searchable and has useful cross 
referencing links.

David Robley
Temporary Kiwi!

Quod subigo farinam
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I not a newie but I am not a pro at mysql either. I want to do a query by
letter(a, b, c..ect.). Is there a simple way to do it. I am writing in PHP.
So can someone please so me the how.

 | Chuck Payne              |
 | Magi Design and Support  |
 |       |

BeOS, Macintosh 68K, Classic, and OS X, Linux Support.
Web Design you can afford.

Hartley's Second Law:
        Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.

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At 08:24 PM 3/10/02, Chuck \"PUP\" Payne wrote:
>I not a newie but I am not a pro at mysql either. I want to do a query by
>letter(a, b, c..ect.). Is there a simple way to do it. I am writing in PHP.
>So can someone please so me the how.

I'm not totally sure what your looking for. If you could elaborate a little 
I am sure that one of us could help you out.


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I want to sort my a letter in a set colomn. Let say I want to sort the
colomn last_name

Like to create a link like A then sort only the last name ore what ever I
want to sort by that letter.

I hope that's helps. I can order by, but I can't so a sort like the example

Chuck Payne
Magi Design and Support

on 3/10/02 9:42 PM, Cary at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At 08:24 PM 3/10/02, Chuck \"PUP\" Payne wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I not a newie but I am not a pro at mysql either. I want to do a query by
>> letter(a, b, c..ect.). Is there a simple way to do it. I am writing in PHP.
>> So can someone please so me the how.
> I'm not totally sure what your looking for. If you could elaborate a little
> I am sure that one of us could help you out.
> Cary

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Greetings all,
I was wondering if there's any way to encrypt passwords without having to
recompile apache or PHP.
Just a simple password to use instead of the xhtml <input> tag which does
not encrypt the data.
Thank you for your help.

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Not really a php thing, more a loss of php :) !

My PHP-MySQL server has been stolen from my office (last night).
Security has not been doing their job!

I noticed in the logs once where people were trying to get in by FTP on
occasion, or adding weird things to a url, when it was running just as
an IP. My question is: does my Apache server broadcast itself or its IP
for when script kiddies come check out my machine to see if they can
crash it? What does it broadcast? How did the script kiddies find me?
Can I reverse process this and see if my stolen machine still exists
anywhere? What would I look for?

I have a ghost backup going back around four week ago, but ...

Sigh :(

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Not really a php thing, more a loss of php :) !

My PHP-MySQL server has been stolen from my office (last night).
Security has not been doing their job!

I noticed in the logs once where people were trying to get in by FTP on
occasion, or adding weird things to a url, when it was running just as
an IP. My question is: does my Apache server broadcast itself or its IP
for when script kiddies come check out my machine to see if they can
crash it? What does it broadcast? How did the script kiddies find me?
Can I reverse process this and see if my stolen machine still exists
anywhere? What would I look for?

I have a ghost backup going back around four week ago, but ...

Sigh :(

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Not really a php thing, more a loss of php :) !

My PHP-MySQL server has been stolen from my office (last night).
Security has not been doing their job!

I noticed in the logs once where people were trying to get in by FTP on
occasion, or adding weird things to a url, when it was running just as
an IP. My question is: does my Apache server broadcast itself or its IP
for when script kiddies come check out my machine to see if they can
crash it? What does it broadcast? How did the script kiddies find me?
Can I reverse process this and see if my stolen machine still exists
anywhere? What would I look for?

I have a ghost backup going back around four week ago, but ...

Sigh :(

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