php-general Digest 2 Sep 2001 01:19:48 -0000 Issue 851

Topics (messages 65598 through 65619):

loop?  or conditional problem
        65598 by: syaggie

FULLTEXT search sorting results
        65599 by: BRACK
        65617 by: Mark Maggelet

Re: The future of PHP
        65600 by: Christian Reiniger
        65602 by: Zeev Suraski
        65603 by: Zeev Suraski

Re: formating numbers to two decimal points - money - best ways
        65601 by: fx

Mdb conversion
        65604 by: Rogerio Coelho - Equipeweb - CompuLand ISP
        65606 by: Jeff Lewis
        65607 by: Adi Wibowo

Re: Reg-Variables
        65605 by: Papp Gyozo

*Great Mortgage Rates*
        65608 by:

Re: File Upload Problem Solving?
        65609 by: Marc Davenport

generate random ascii string
        65610 by: bill
        65611 by: Sean C. McCarthy
        65612 by: Philip Olson
        65613 by: bill

Re: $str[0] vs $str{0} was : generate random ascii string
        65614 by: Philip Olson
        65616 by: bill

Memory Usage
        65615 by: Prottoss

potential preg_replace bug; unsure however
        65618 by:

Re: seeking good annotate script
        65619 by: Matthew A. Schneider


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Okay the the script is attached below.  i am baffled at the problem.  as you
can see the script does a rather simplistic generation of passwords.  it
then writes them into two files.

the problem is the first time i run (i am running it stand alone)  it works
fine and the result is two files with 32 entries (and the mysql entries are
also correct).  the second time i run it.  i (there should be 44 new entries
make one file with 76 entries and another with 44)

however what i get is a file with 1233 entries and another with 1201.

now i admit the code is not beautiful but my concern is more of what is
causing this.  i have checked the variables both $i and $rows appear fine.

when i look at the text files what i see is it assigns the 44 entries and
then repeats them.  all i can figure is it is the conditional or whiel loop?
why does it work perfect the first time??

$letter = array("Gob", "Lol", "woZ", "Kop", "MoS", "tRu", "SAw", "NoR",
"TEf","TaF", "JoP", "lOg", "tAn", "FiSH", "cAT", "VAn", "bAb", "Mob",
"KorN", "BeAt", "roSe", "KlaP", "iZ", "GEr", "HaT", "ZaaM", "toAd", "emU");
$results = mysql_query("SELECT, members.lname FROM members, users
WHERE <>");
$rows= mysql_num_rows($results);
if($rows != 0)
while($info = mysql_fetch_array($results))
if($info[0] != 0)
$ids[] = $info[0];
$lnames[] = $info[1];
while($i < $rows-1)
srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$pass_letter_key = array_rand($letter);
srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$pass_num1 = mt_rand(0, 26);
srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$pass_num2 = mt_rand(100, 926);
$strip = trim($lnames[$i]);
$lower = strtolower($strip);
$infochop = substr($lower, -5, 4);
$username = $infochop.$pass_num2;
$password = $pass_num1. $letter[$pass_letter_key].$pass_num2;
$respass = mysql_query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE
$pass_row = mysql_num_rows($respass);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users(id, username,password) VALUES('$ids[$i]',
'$username', '$password') ");
$complete = fopen("complete.txt", "a+");
$input[] = $ids[$i]."\t".$username."\t".$password."\n";
fputs($complete, $input[$i]);

$new = implode("", $input);
$newtxt = fopen("new.txt", "w");
fputs($newtxt, $new);

I have query -

$res = mysql_query("SELECT 
skits.*,category.cat_id,category.cat_name FROM skits,category WHERE 
MATCH (title,descr,skits) AGAINST ('%$search_idea%') and skits.lang 
like 'English' and skits.category like category.cat_id  limit $limit,10 ");

I expect to get results sorted by relevance and it actually does BUT (!) 
inside of categories =( I mean it sorts result first by category and 
second by relevance. How do I make it to be sorted by only relevance?

Thank you in advance,

<>< <>< <>< <>< God is our provider ><> ><> ><> ><>

On Sat, 1 Sep 2001 14:01:57 +0200, BRACK ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>I have query -
>$res = mysql_query("SELECT
>skits.*,category.cat_id,category.cat_name FROM skits,category WHERE
>MATCH (title,descr,skits) AGAINST ('%$search_idea%') and skits.lang
>like 'English' and skits.category like category.cat_id  limit
>$limit,10 ");
>I expect to get results sorted by relevance and it actually does BUT
>inside of categories =( I mean it sorts result first by category and
>second by relevance. How do I make it to be sorted by only

try it like this:
$res = mysql_query("SELECT
skits.*,category.cat_id,category.cat_name,MATCH (title,descr,skits)
AGAINST ('%$search_idea%') as relevance FROM skits,category WHERE
skits.lang like 'English' and skits.category like category.cat_id
having relevance>0 order by relevance desc limit $limit,10 ");

On Friday 31 August 2001 15:22, Manuel Lemos wrote:
> > I actually mention PHP-GTK in my sessions.  I mention it as an
> > anecdote, much like I mention some of the other interesting modules
> > and projects in PHP (e.g., PEAR).  I'm really not sure why people
> > think I'm trying to bury PHP-GTK.  Just because I don't see PHP-GTK
> > as a main course of PHP, doesn't mean I don't think it's an important
> > and useful project.
> Oh, man, do you really do that? That is worse than not mention it at
> all. You may be joking but not everybody may understand it that way.
> Doing that you ruining the credibility of those efforts that take PHP
> far out what originally it was meant for. If you are going to just make
> it a joke, you'd better not mention it at all. I think that is

Heyheyhey, cool down. Anecdote != Joke. That's important. "Anecdote" in 
this context simply means an "and by the way, there also other 
interesting uses for PHP: ..."
Actually that's just what you wanted him to say :)

> > >In this company, they have choose Microsoft stuff because they think
> > > it is the right choice for what they do. For some things, PHP could
> > > be a better choice, but it would be hard to convince who is in
> > > charge above me because PHP does not benefit of a great credibility
> > > in the market that would help me to make a good case to switch to
> > > PHP.
> >
> > In the US (and perhaps in the rest of America), that's relatively
> > true.  That's not the case in Europe or the far east.  It has a lot
> > to do with mentality and corporate culture.
> So, what? Even if it is like you say, because you have this perception
> that it is not that way in Europe and far east, you are not going to do
> anything to help people living in the Americas to make a better case
> for PHP in the corporate world?

Much can be done - we all know that. But:
(1) Most of that requires either mucho $$ or heaps|truckloads|... of 
time. Rasmus certainly has neither and the zend people already spend 
their time doing the really important thing (improving the language).
So such marketing campaigns have to come from other people.

(2) American corporate culture (hmm, rhymes with "vulture"... :) listens 
to the players with the most money. MS, Sun, Oracle, ...
So the only marketing plan that has a good chance to work is "Somehow 
make about 5 billion dollars within a year and burn half of it for glossy 
ads etc".
I certainly won't do this...

Marketing really isn't the most important thing to do :)

PHP's future looks bright, everyone is working hard to make it even 
brighter, and we all can dance happily around on the flowery meadows 
(except when working of course :)

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (

Error 032: Recursion error - see error 032

At 16:22 31-08-01, Manuel Lemos wrote:
>Oh, man, do you really do that? That is worse than not mention it at
>all. You may be joking but not everybody may understand it that way.
>Doing that you ruining the credibility of those efforts that take PHP
>far out what originally it was meant for. If you are going to just make
>it a joke, you'd better not mention it at all. I think that is extremely
>unfair for people like Andrei and other that worked so much on it! :-(

Uhm, I'm not joking.  Richard pointed out to me in a personal letter that 
anecdote may not be the right word here (thanks, Richard :).  I mention 
them (PHP-GTK, PEAR, etc) at the end of my presentations, as a list of 
pointers people should look into if they have interest in that particular 

Manuel, you should *REALLY* relax about this 'Zeev vs. PHP-GTK'.  This is 
absolutely the last time I'm going to say it - I have nothing against 
PHP-GTK, and Andrei and I work very well together.

>So, what? Even if it is like you say, because you have this perception
>that it is not that way in Europe and far east, you are not going to do
>anything to help people living in the Americas to make a better case for
>PHP in the corporate world?

No, that's not what I'm saying.  I'm not going to say what I was saying 
again, though.  Look in my old posts if you're interested...


At 14:52 01-09-01, Christian Reiniger wrote:
>On Friday 31 August 2001 15:22, Manuel Lemos wrote:
> > > I actually mention PHP-GTK in my sessions.  I mention it as an
> > > anecdote, much like I mention some of the other interesting modules
> > > and projects in PHP (e.g., PEAR).  I'm really not sure why people
> > > think I'm trying to bury PHP-GTK.  Just because I don't see PHP-GTK
> > > as a main course of PHP, doesn't mean I don't think it's an important
> > > and useful project.
> >
> > Oh, man, do you really do that? That is worse than not mention it at
> > all. You may be joking but not everybody may understand it that way.
> > Doing that you ruining the credibility of those efforts that take PHP
> > far out what originally it was meant for. If you are going to just make
> > it a joke, you'd better not mention it at all. I think that is
>Heyheyhey, cool down. Anecdote != Joke. That's important. "Anecdote" in
>this context simply means an "and by the way, there also other
>interesting uses for PHP: ..."
>Actually that's just what you wanted him to say :)

Oh, so it *was* the right word? :)


if your datas are stored in a DB you should specify the precision of the
float in the table : float(8,2)

> Anyone have functions for formatting numbers being multiplied by variables
> and whatnot to two decimal points - rounded up? As for displaying total
> cost, etc?
> _________________________________________________________________
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

   Hi, Folks !!

      I am in trouble. I need to convert a mdb database to mysql.
Can PHP handle this? Where can I learn about it?

      Thanks in advance.

Rogerio Coelho.
Equipeweb - CompuLand Design
Tel/Fax:(xx) 24 237-2088

I needed this recently as well and found some converters right here:

They usually are run from within the MDB macros but it helped me convert my
database over :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rogerio Coelho - Equipeweb - CompuLand ISP"
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 9:40 AM
Subject: [PHP] Mdb conversion

   Hi, Folks !!

      I am in trouble. I need to convert a mdb database to mysql.
Can PHP handle this? Where can I learn about it?

      Thanks in advance.

Rogerio Coelho.
Equipeweb - CompuLand Design
Tel/Fax:(xx) 24 237-2088

PHP General Mailing List (
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On Sat, 1 Sep 2001, Rogerio Coelho - Equipeweb - CompuLand ISP wrote:
>    Hi, Folks !!
>       I am in trouble. I need to convert a mdb database to mysql. 
> Can PHP handle this? Where can I learn about it?
>       Thanks in advance.

It doesn't need PHP to convert access to mysql.
Just go to and search for convertion script (vb) to be included
into mdb and run it.

You will get two text files (consist of SQL scripts that create tables and
insert data). Use those files as scripts for mysql.

Adi Wibowo ------
* Work matter    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Private matter : [EMAIL PROTECTED]


On Linux/Unix systems you may use Semaphore and shared memory functions.

or simply use sessions. However, session variables are stored in flat files
or in db.

----- Original Message -----
From: senthilvellan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 7:08 AM
Subject: [PHP] Reg-Variables

Hello Techies,

                    Is it possible to have our own global variables that can
be shared between more than one programs in php.Is there any other go to
share between programs(Other than flat files and database).Any help is

Thanks in advance,

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On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Jeff Oien wrote:

> I have a user who is unable to upload files but I don't know where
> to start with the troubleshooting process. I have this:
> @copy("$img1", "/blah/$username/$img1_name") 
>         or die("File upload didn't work."); 
> and they are getting the die message. All but one person are able
> to upload.
> Jeff Oien

Check the following things.
1. Permissions. The Directory of the particular user might be set
different and therefore be the reason for the upload.
2. Max File Size. I'm assuming that you are trying the same file for all
people, but if not then the one person that can upload might just be
uploading a smaller file than the rest. Just a thought.

You may want to use is_uploaded_file() and move_uploaded_file() if you are
using PHP 4.0.2 or greater.

hope this helps
marc davenport

How can a random string of only letters and numbers be generated?

I'm stumped so far on how to avoid including symbols.


If you have random string including symbols just take them of with
regexp. Look at the manual for regular expresion functions. Hope it

        Sean C. McCarthy
        SCI, s.L. (

bill wrote:
> How can a random string of only letters and numbers be generated?
> I'm stumped so far on how to avoid including symbols.
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Bill,

Here's a quick hack, should get you on your way :

function randomString($len)
global $seed;

  $tmp = '';

  $chars  = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
  $chars .= strtoupper($chars);
  $chars .= '0123456789';

  if (empty($seed)) {
    mt_srand ((float) microtime() * 1000000);
    $seed = TRUE;

  // weak error checking mechanism
  if ($len < 1 || !is_numeric($len)) $len = 8;

  $chars_len = strlen($chars);  

  for ($a=1; $a <= $len; $a++) {
    $tmp .= $chars{mt_rand(0,$chars_len)};

  return $tmp;

That was fun :)

Philip Olson

On Sat, 1 Sep 2001, bill wrote:

> How can a random string of only letters and numbers be generated?
> I'm stumped so far on how to avoid including symbols.
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


With a few tweaks, it works great, thanks!

Here's what worked:

function randomString($len)
global $seed;

  $tmp = '';

  $chars  = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
  $chars .= strtoupper($chars);
  $chars .= '0123456789';

  if (empty($seed)) {
    mt_srand ((float) microtime() * 1000000);
    $seed = TRUE;

  // weak error checking mechanism
  if ($len < 1 || !intval($len)) $len = 8;

  $chars_len = strlen($chars);

  for ($a=1; $a <= $len; $a++) {
    $tmp .= $chars[mt_rand(0,$chars_len)];

  return $tmp;

Philip Olson wrote:

> Hi Bill,
> Here's a quick hack, should get you on your way :
> function randomString($len)
> {
> global $seed;
>   $tmp = '';
>   $chars  = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
>   $chars .= strtoupper($chars);
>   $chars .= '0123456789';
>   if (empty($seed)) {
>     mt_srand ((float) microtime() * 1000000);
>     $seed = TRUE;
>   }
>   // weak error checking mechanism
>   if ($len < 1 || !is_numeric($len)) $len = 8;
>   $chars_len = strlen($chars);
>   for ($a=1; $a <= $len; $a++) {
>     $tmp .= $chars{mt_rand(0,$chars_len)};
>   }
>   return $tmp;
> }
> That was fun :)
> Regards,
> Philip Olson
> On Sat, 1 Sep 2001, bill wrote:
> > How can a random string of only letters and numbers be generated?
> >
> > I'm stumped so far on how to avoid including symbols.
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

It appears the only change you made was :

>     $tmp .= $chars[mt_rand(0,$chars_len)];

>From :

> >     $tmp .= $chars{mt_rand(0,$chars_len)};

Which is strange.  the [] use on strings has been depreciated in favor
of {} as of php4 but I don't know at what version {} came into being
exactly. What version of PHP are you running, php3?  Or, does anyone know
much about this?

Anyway, glad it works :)

For informational purposes, this depreciation is stated here :

And for those watching at home, am referring to :

  $string = 'abc';

  print $string[0]; // depreciated (might not work one day, when?)


  print $string{0};

Both print 'a' though.

Philip Olson

Hi Philip,

Yes, I have a choice of PHP3 or 4 and this script happened to be in PHP 3 so
I just tweaked it.  I didn't realize that one day
$chars[mt_rand(0,$chars_len)] would "no longer work", but at least it is
backwards compatible now.  I've made a mental note of that for future

PHP 3 also barked at


which I just changed to intval()

I should really do better bounds checking.  How about:

if (!$len) $len=8;

kind regards,


Philip Olson wrote:

> It appears the only change you made was :
> >     $tmp .= $chars[mt_rand(0,$chars_len)];
> >From :
> > >     $tmp .= $chars{mt_rand(0,$chars_len)};
> Which is strange.  the [] use on strings has been depreciated in favor
> of {} as of php4 but I don't know at what version {} came into being
> exactly. What version of PHP are you running, php3?  Or, does anyone know
> much about this?
> Anyway, glad it works :)
> For informational purposes, this depreciation is stated here :
> And for those watching at home, am referring to :
>   $string = 'abc';
>   print $string[0]; // depreciated (might not work one day, when?)
>     vs.
>   print $string{0};
> Both print 'a' though.
> Regards,
> Philip Olson

Is it possible to profile the memory usage of a php script?
I am trying to determine why do certain scripts claim to reach the 8meg 
memory limit although not appear to do anything that would result in large 
memory usage.


I built a Perl-style regex to match function calls in C-like
languages where $name is the functions name. The functions
are assumed to accept a single string as parameter.

Here it is.


The expression is successfully preg_match'ed on a stream
of code, but when preg_replace is passed the same expression
it does not return. The piece of code I tested this with was
fairly small so that an increased demand of computation time
is unlikely be the reason for this behaviour.

Substituting the subexpression (.*) by ([^\"]*) remedies this.

The version of the PHP install is 4.05.

Any ideas?

  D. Alvarez Arribas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


It doesn't get much easier than Philip Greenspun's "Loquacious"
( Philip begins the description of
his free comment server thusly:

"You have a Web server with static pages.  You want users to be able to
add comments dynamically to any of your pages.  However, you don't
want to turn all of your Web pages into computer programs.  You don't
want to sweat your way through all of Web Tools Review and
learn how to run your own Relational Database Management System-backed
Web site.  You don't want to spend the rest of your life backing up
and maintaining the relational database."

Try it you'll like it. It's not PHP though (TCL likely).

Best regards,

Matthew A. Schneider

----- Original Message -----
From: "daniel goldin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 10:31 PM
Subject: [PHP] seeking good annotate script

> I'm looking for a good script that implements an
> annotation function--much like the manual at Anybody
> know where I could find such a beast?
> Daniel Goldin
> 323-225-1926
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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