php-general Digest 25 Dec 2001 21:02:03 -0000 Issue 1073

Topics (messages 78711 through 78730):

Re: PHP/MYSQL ..what the hell is wrong here...
        78711 by: Brian Clark

Re: gd_installation......................... :(
        78712 by: EMIN CALIKLI
        78718 by: Brian Clark

PHP and NIS+
        78713 by: Irwan Hadi

        78714 by: Chamarty Prasanna Kumar

call stack access
        78715 by:

Sessions php and flash5, cookies disabled
        78716 by: Jan Grafström
        78719 by: Brian Clark
        78725 by: Jan Grafström

Re: Site running from MySQL
        78717 by: David Bouw

Merry Christmas Everyone
        78720 by: Dan McCullough

Generate Alphabet
        78721 by: Daniel Harik
        78723 by: Fred
        78724 by: Daniel Harik

custmoer management
        78722 by: M.E. Suliman

Fatal PHP error on client computer
        78726 by: jjt

Client side fatal PHP error
        78727 by: jjt
        78728 by: James Cox
        78729 by: jjt
        78730 by: Philip Olson


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--- Begin Message ---
* Chris Cocuzzo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 25. 2001 03:16]:

> here's the submit.php page ..which is the one that I suspect is giving me problems:

> case 'gigs':
>      print "$date<br>";
>      $date = strtotime($date);
>      print "$date<br>";
>      $query = "INSERT INTO gigs VALUES('0','$date','$location','$venue','$info')";
>      break;


> +----------+---------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> | Field    | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
> +----------+---------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> | showid   | mediumint(5)  |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
> | date     | timestamp(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |

Realize that, according to the mysql docs, timestamp(10) expects
its input to be in the format, YYMMDDHHMM.

> | location | varchar(40)   |      |     |         |                |
> | venue    | varchar(40)   |      |     |         |                |
> | info     | mediumtext    |      |     |         |                |
> +----------+---------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+

> and when i query it i get this:
> +--------+------------+-----------------+--------------+-------+
> | showid | date       | location        | venue        | info  |
> +--------+------------+-----------------+--------------+-------+
> |      1 | 0000000000 | Framingham, Ma. | Denison Hall | -TBA- |
> +--------+------------+-----------------+--------------+-------+

And strtotime() is creating a different format. It's the the number of
non-leap seconds since epoch. I guess MySQL doesn't understand that, in
that situation.

> the date field is empty, but it should be filled. When i enter in the value for the 
>date field in the form, I enter it as such: Jan 11, 2002  . I tested this beforehand 
>and it worked. What the hell is wrong??

$date = strftime("%y%m%d%H%M", strtotime($date));

And that should produce, using your example:

print  strftime("%y%m%d%H%M", strtotime("Jan 11, 2002")); 
/* 0201110000 */

See if that works..

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
SIGFUN -- signature too funny (core dumped)

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Hi Brian ,
Thanks for your requests . I 'm using php 4.0.6 + IIS 4.0 (Web Server) . I tried many 
verisons of GD
library and failed. Did anyone tried php-4.1.0 verison on IIS 4.0 ? By the way Brian I 
configured my
local workstation with Apache 1.3.22 + php 4.0.6 and it works fine. I can use it GD 
extension. But I
must run GD on IIS don 't ask me why ? This is companies strategy . So I think I must 
work hard to
solve it.
Thanks again.

                    Brian Clark                                                        
                    <brianj@fusion        To:     "PHP is not a drug." 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  
          >            cc:                                          
                                          Subject:     Re: [PHP] gd_installation       

* EMIN CALIKLI ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 25. 2001 01:47]:

> -----------------------------------------------------------
> A system error has occurred.

> System error 1067 has occurred.

> The process terminated unexpectedly.
> ------------------------------------------------------------

Oh my goodness, you gotta love Microsoft. You crash your car and the
policeman asks, "How did this happen?" You then tell the policeman,
"I drove the car. I hit mailbox 1067." Full of detail, right?

Unless someone else in this forum is using ISS and knows where to look
for a more detailed error (like an error.log?), my guess is that the gd
library needs something else and can't find it.

gd requires libpng, zlib and jpeg-6b. Now whether or not that DLL
already has that information built-in, I don't know.

Is there a tool for Windows that will let you see a specific DLL's

How did you install all of this? Did you use this package?


Or are you using an older build?

Another thing I just noticed is the name of the file. Are you positive
the file isn't supposed to be named php_gd.dll instead of ph_gd.dll? Try
making a copy of it and renaming it php_gd.dll and try to load that

If that doesn't work, try this DLL instead:


Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
* EMIN CALIKLI ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 25. 2001 05:20]:

> Hi Brian ,


> Thanks for your requests . I 'm using php 4.0.6 + IIS 4.0 (Web Server) . I tried 
>many verisons of GD
> library and failed. Did anyone tried php-4.1.0 verison on IIS 4.0 ? By the way Brian 
>I configured my
> local workstation with Apache 1.3.22 + php 4.0.6 and it works fine. I can use it GD 
>extension. But I
> must run GD on IIS don 't ask me why ? This is companies strategy . So I think I 
>must work hard to
> solve it.
> Thanks again.

What happened when you renamed the ph_gd.dll file to php_gd.dll? Did you
try that?

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
The beatings will continue until morale improves.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Dear All,

I just curious does PHP has the capability to access the NIS+ table in
Solaris based environment such as Perl ?
I'm asking this because the only NIS+ support in perl seems already
outdated (it works with perl 5.003 but not perl 5.6.1), so if PHP does
support accessing the Solaris NIS+ table, I'm planning to change the
script from perl to PHP (this is must be accessed from the web for users
account creation webpage).

If PHP doesn't support NIS+ does anyone has any idea how to implement
this with PHP then ?
I'm thinking to use MySQL and some shell scripts to interact between PHP
and NIS+ table (using nistbladm, nisaddent, etc.)

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Hi All,

   Want to create PDF files using PHP 

from file formats,







  Can you please suggest a way to do it.

Thanks in Advance.




--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hello php-general,

  I want to make good error messages for my libraries, but can't
  because there is no way to get __FILE__ and __LINE__ for calling
  point. I can print only unusable point inside my library where
  trigger_error() is called. Is here any way to do this? May be I miss
  something? Or may be such function (like a get_call_stack()) planned
  for future? 

Best regards,
 akul                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I am trying to get my php-scripts to work using flash 5 and with cookies
disabled in the users browser.

At first I pass SID to flash and than I can call my php-scripts by passing
the SID back to PHP using loadvariables and get method, this works fine.

The problem is when I pass it to a php-page and than pass it to a second

The url string looks like this on php-page (sent from flash5):
>From mypage.php3 I pass sid using ".SID." than on second page the string is
changed to:

"=" has changed to "%3D". and php does not recognice the session.

part of code on mypage.php3:
<form action=\"\"; method=\"get\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SID\" value=\"".SID."\">

Thanks for any help.

Jan Grafström
Lillemans Hus AB
46 (0)611-60920
46 (0)70-6409073

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
* Jan Grafström ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 25. 2001 10:41]:

> The url string looks like this on php-page (sent from flash5):
> mypage.php3?SID=PHPSESSID=193a33f9b7421c17302d1bd58478b20b?.
> >From mypage.php3 I pass sid using ".SID." than on second page the string is
> changed to:
> second.php3?SID=PHPSESSID%3D193a33f9b7421c17302d1bd58478b20b&var3=1.

> "=" has changed to "%3D". and php does not recognice the session.

> part of code on mypage.php3:
> <form action=\"\"; method=\"get\">
> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SID\" value=\"".SID."\">

I'm sure you meant for that line to be:

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SID\" value=\"".$SID."\">

Right? (note the $) Eventhough I don't think that has anything to do
with your problem.

> Thanks for any help.

Why are you using SID=PHPSESSID= instead of just SID=? If you
absolutely have to leave it the way you have it, you could always
explode('%3D',$SID); to get the correct session ID.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks Brian!
There is no differens using only ".SID." or ".$SID."
and this line :<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SID\" value=\"".SID."\">
automatically givs this responsestring in the urlfield of your browser

I will try to manipulate the string


"Brian Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i meddelandet
* Jan Grafström ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 25. 2001 10:41]:

> The url string looks like this on php-page (sent from flash5):
> mypage.php3?SID=PHPSESSID=193a33f9b7421c17302d1bd58478b20b?.
> >From mypage.php3 I pass sid using ".SID." than on second page the string
> changed to:
> second.php3?SID=PHPSESSID%3D193a33f9b7421c17302d1bd58478b20b&var3=1.

> "=" has changed to "%3D". and php does not recognice the session.

> part of code on mypage.php3:
> <form action=\"\"; method=\"get\">
> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SID\" value=\"".SID."\">

I'm sure you meant for that line to be:

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SID\" value=\"".$SID."\">

Right? (note the $) Eventhough I don't think that has anything to do
with your problem.

> Thanks for any help.

Why are you using SID=PHPSESSID= instead of just SID=? If you
absolutely have to leave it the way you have it, you could always
explode('%3D',$SID); to get the correct session ID.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Maybe this will be a surprise, but I think that more than 90% of the webpages that use
MySQL, use it do exactly what you are wondering about..

Not only are the searches a lot easier, but if you do it right you can make a website
which won't contain any dead links...  (By generating links to other pages from the

The basic idea is though to make some kind of template in PHP which contains all the 
and that you store all text data in the database.. This text-data is then fitted 
te HTML tags
when you call the page..  (If you do it right (in my opinion) you will have a database
which only
consists of data, and PHP pages which only contains PHP code echoing HTML code with 
information from the database..

When using BLOBs etc I can't see that you will ever run into limitations unless you
are doing something silly..

Try it...!

> Out of interest, would it be possible to load a webpage as a record in a
> MySQL database, having another field as say a number or a unique name so
> that a whole site could be placed in a database with a couple of php files?
> Is there a limit on the size of a field in MySQL which would stop you doing
> this though and would it be noticeably slower that html / php files?
> I was only wondering as it would make full text searches an awful lot
> simpler!!!!
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Merry Christmas Everyone ...

Do You Yahoo!?
Send your FREE holiday greetings online!
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hello Guys,

Just a stupid question how can i make php show from a-z with a for
loop, don't want to make 26 hard coded links

Thank You very much

Best regards,
 Daniel                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
for ($Character = 65; $Character < 91; $Character++)
echo chr($Character);


Daniel Harik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello Guys,
> Just a stupid question how can i make php show from a-z with a for
> loop, don't want to make 26 hard coded links
> Thank You very much
> --
> Best regards,
>  Daniel                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hello Fred,

Tuesday, December 25, 2001, 7:55:16 PM, you wrote:

F> for ($Character = 65; $Character < 91; $Character++)
F> {
F> echo chr($Character);
F> }

F> Fred

F> Daniel Harik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Hello Guys,
>> Just a stupid question how can i make php show from a-z with a for
>> loop, don't want to make 26 hard coded links
>> Thank You very much
>> --
>> Best regards,
>>  Daniel                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you

Best regards,
 Daniel                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Is there a script or current projects that involve the following.  What we
require is the management of client base (contact details etc.) account
blancing with suppliers and monthly billing and invoicing.

If there aren't any scripts in php already, to perfrom this is there
anywhere I could look at for ideas and begin one from the start.



--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
A visitor to my site repeatedly receives a fatal error in one of my scripts.

He is using a Compaq PC with IE 6; Windows 98. He gets this error message:
"Call to unsupported or undefined function srtoupper() in.... on line 82."

Line 82 is a compound IF statement which uses strtoupper(). As best I can
tell, the syntax of the statement is fine:

if (strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "B" &&
strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "P" &&
srtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "H" &&
srtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "O").... {

And more significantly, no one else is reporting this error; I cannot
reproduce it. The script is executed thousands of times each day. By the
time he gets to line 82, he has successfully passed another simple
strtoupper() statement. Every user running this script must get past line

I am very confused here.  Why does this error occur only on his computer?
How could it be machine or browser dependent? Isn't all PHP processing done
on my host (client) computer? And if so, why does the error not occur every
time the script is executed?

I am totally baffled by this. Can anyone help?


Hershel M. Chicowitz

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
A visitor to my site repeatedly receives a fatal error in one of my scripts.

He is using a Compaq PC with IE 6; Windows 98. He gets this error message:
"Call to unsupported or undefined function srtoupper() in.... on line 82."

Line 82 is a compound IF statement which uses strtoupper(). As best I can
tell, the syntax of the statement is fine:

if (strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "B" &&
    strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "P" &&
    srtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "H" &&
    srtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "O").... {

And more significantly, no one else is reporting this error; I cannot
reproduce it. The script is executed thousands of times each day. By the
time he gets to line 82, he has successfully passed another simple
strtoupper() statement. Every user running this script must get past line

I am very confused here.  Why does this error occur only on his computer?
How could it be machine or browser dependent? Isn't all PHP processing
done on my host (server) computer? And if so, why does the error not
occur every time the script is executed?

I am totally baffled by this. Can anyone help?


Hershel M. Chicowitz

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Well, what you have said here isn't that clear, however consider the
following revised code:

$teststr = strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1));
if(($teststr != "B") && ($teststr != "P") && ($teststr != "H") && ($teststr
!= "O")){

What you are doing is executing the substr and strtoupper many times, which,
on a slow connection which may have backlog (thus slower time for the html
stream buffer to be delivered), it could timeout.

More detail on a: the error, and b: the code *in context* would help.


James Cox

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jjt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 6:36 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Client side fatal PHP error
> A visitor to my site repeatedly receives a fatal error in one of
> my scripts.
> He is using a Compaq PC with IE 6; Windows 98. He gets this error message:
> "Call to unsupported or undefined function srtoupper() in.... on line 82."
> Line 82 is a compound IF statement which uses strtoupper(). As best I can
> tell, the syntax of the statement is fine:
> if (strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "B" &&
>     strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "P" &&
>     srtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "H" &&
>     srtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "O").... {
> And more significantly, no one else is reporting this error; I cannot
> reproduce it. The script is executed thousands of times each day. By the
> time he gets to line 82, he has successfully passed another simple
> strtoupper() statement. Every user running this script must get past line
> 82.
> I am very confused here.  Why does this error occur only on his computer?
> How could it be machine or browser dependent? Isn't all PHP processing
> done on my host (server) computer? And if so, why does the error not
> occur every time the script is executed?
> I am totally baffled by this. Can anyone help?
> Thanks,
> Hershel M. Chicowitz
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks for your help. I do not have any more info on the error; that is all
the visitor to my site provided. But I am not sure what more useful detail
there could be; it was a fatal error as I described; the script aborted on
line 82, the IF statement.

However, it might be useful to know that my host computer is running version
3.0.12 of PHP3 on a Unix server.

As for the code, I am not sure what more context would be helpful; the error
message indicated a failure on the function strtoupper() in that statement.
The statement is within a validation routine. I am running a series of tests
on $xmbrcode, a cookie variable; each test is independent.

You are correct in that creating a new variable instead of substringing it 3
times would be more efficient. However I cannot see how this would make a
significant difference.

I am baffled as to why PHP would fail on a valid statement, and fail only
for that user. Since the code is executed on the host computer, I do not see
how a slow connection would have any effect on it. I can see why extremely
heavy traffic on my host computer might cause a timeout, but not for one
user only, and not always on the same statement. By the time the HTML code
is sent to the user, I thought that the execution of PHP was done. In any
event, today, when this error was reported to me, has been one of the
slowest days of the year at my site.

Maybe I just baffle easily

Thanks for your help.

- hmc

James Cox wrote in message ...
>Well, what you have said here isn't that clear, however consider the
>following revised code:
>$teststr = strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1));
>if(($teststr != "B") && ($teststr != "P") && ($teststr != "H") && ($teststr
>!= "O")){
> do..
>What you are doing is executing the substr and strtoupper many times,
>on a slow connection which may have backlog (thus slower time for the html
>stream buffer to be delivered), it could timeout.
>More detail on a: the error, and b: the code *in context* would help.
>James Cox
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: jjt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 6:36 PM
>> Subject: [PHP] Client side fatal PHP error
>> A visitor to my site repeatedly receives a fatal error in one of
>> my scripts.
>> He is using a Compaq PC with IE 6; Windows 98. He gets this error
>> "Call to unsupported or undefined function srtoupper() in.... on line
>> Line 82 is a compound IF statement which uses strtoupper(). As best I can
>> tell, the syntax of the statement is fine:
>> if (strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "B" &&
>>     strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "P" &&
>>     srtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "H" &&
>>     srtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "O").... {
>> And more significantly, no one else is reporting this error; I cannot
>> reproduce it. The script is executed thousands of times each day. By the
>> time he gets to line 82, he has successfully passed another simple
>> strtoupper() statement. Every user running this script must get past line
>> 82.
>> I am very confused here.  Why does this error occur only on his computer?
>> How could it be machine or browser dependent? Isn't all PHP processing
>> done on my host (server) computer? And if so, why does the error not
>> occur every time the script is executed?
>> I am totally baffled by this. Can anyone help?
>> Thanks,
>> Hershel M. Chicowitz
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
> "Call to unsupported or undefined function srtoupper() in.... on line 82."

srt != str (typo).  

> if (strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "B" &&
>     strtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "P" &&
>     srtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "H" &&
>     srtoupper(substr($xmbrcode,11,1)) != "O").... {

See above.  Btw, consider something like:

  $str = '123456789abcdef';
  $bad = array('B','P','H','O');

  if (in_array(strtoupper($str{11}),$bad)) {
      echo 'boo';

I can't believe people code on Christmas :)

Warm regards,
Philip Olson

--- End Message ---

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