php-general Digest 4 Nov 2001 04:57:36 -0000 Issue 974

Topics (messages 73343 through 73372):

problem with copy($file,path) to up load a file
        73343 by: banyWilson
        73351 by: Jack Dempsey

Re: Trouble with PNGs
        73344 by: Daniel Reichenbach

Re: How to use Clibpdf
        73345 by: Justin Garrett

Running 1 more script inside
        73346 by: Daniel Harik
        73348 by: Galkov Vladimir
        73352 by: Daniel Harik

site last updated
        73347 by: oliver walkhoff
        73365 by: Ryan Christensen

2 Forms On 1 Page
        73349 by: Jeff Oien
        73350 by: Kurt Lieber
        73359 by: Jeff Oien

Re: Mail and mime and attachments
        73353 by: Jason G.
        73354 by: Richard Heyes

problem with function array_* that preserved the key
        73355 by: Reuben D Budiardja

form and java ?
        73356 by: Teqila MAN

        73357 by: Nikola Karoviæ
        73360 by: Steve Werby

What to use when HTTP_REFERER is not set?
        73358 by: Pierre-Yves Lemaire

Incoming mail to PHP as Apache module
        73361 by: Ross
        73363 by: Kurt Lieber
        73367 by: DL Neil

Questions per installing on linux (Php 4)
        73362 by:
        73370 by: Yasuo Ohgaki
        73372 by: Steve Werby

Number_Format Question
        73364 by: Jeff Oien

        73366 by: Chris Allen

Re: Sendmail entry in PHP.ini
        73368 by: Yasuo Ohgaki

multiple http authentication under one directory
        73369 by: Kal Amry

Re: passing variables between pages without using url??
        73371 by: sunny AT wde


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When i use function copy($file,$path)to uplode a file , the error message
shows that :permision denied!
 what's wrong ,Who can help me!!

that means you don't have permissions to write that file to whatever
directory is your target.....if you tried the same thing from teh command
line you'd get the same error

-----Original Message-----
From: banyWilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 11:39 AM
Subject: [PHP] problem with copy($file,path) to up load a file

When i use function copy($file,$path)to uplode a file , the error message
shows that :permision denied!
 what's wrong ,Who can help me!!

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> I'm using PHP 4.0.6 with GD-2.0.1 and Freetype 2 compiled in. After
> playing a while with gd, I found that i can generate blank images
> with TTF text on it and can put text with imagestring on a png,
> but writing with ImageTTFText fails.
Okay, I've tried it with PNG and JPEG, nut nothing works. The sample
i use can be viewed at:

First picture is PNG, second is JPEG. On both i tried to write
using the windows arial.ttf font.

Source is available at:

What the &%&%/ is going in here? Can anyone please help me?
This makes me go crazy.


Clibpdf is not complied by default as a Shared Object.  Once you compile it
in you should just be able to use it.


"Carlo loiudice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm trying to install Clibpdf, but when I compile
> the source code, It doesn't seem to be a .so library.
> So when I say in php.ini to load the extension, it
> give me an error.
> Ciao
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Thank you for your prevoius replies

I have 1 main php and 1 chil, i was wondreing how can i execute that
child php file from parent, i just don't know how to do it with eval()

Thank You very much

Good day!
 The problem I thinck ot in "how" but in  "what" ... what do you wont to
Not realy understand the situation...

 May be the better way is to convert you child php file in some number of
functions put them in  .... some.php  and at include('some.php'); ? ... som
realy this all will work as one program but realy be different files?

Galkov Vladimir
ICQ 84873967
Daniel Harik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ïèøåò â
> Hello
> Thank you for your prevoius replies
> I have 1 main php and 1 chil, i was wondreing how can i execute that
> child php file from parent, i just don't know how to do it with eval()
> function
> Thank You very much

Yes i tried that, but problem, is that child file is 1 more class, if
i include it i get error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class blocks in c:\program files\apache 
group\apache\htdocs\cms\blocks.php on line 3

Thank You

Have a nice day

hi all

i am looking for a simple way to find (and then display) the date of the
last change to an entire web site. an example is in the footer on

"Last updated: Sat Nov 3 13:10:40 2001 EST"

thanks for your help
oliver walkhoff

You can do this in a per-page basis w/:

$modified = stat("yourfile.html"); 
echo date("l, F dS",$modified[9]);

(As with most things ;).. this can be found in the manual. Check @ for more info..


> -----Original Message-----
> From: oliver walkhoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 10:26 AM
> Subject: [PHP] site last updated
> hi all
> i am looking for a simple way to find (and then display) the 
> date of the last change to an entire web site. an example is 
> in the footer on
> "Last updated: Sat Nov 3 13:10:40 2001 EST"
> thanks for your help
> oliver walkhoff
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] To contact the list 
> administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If I have two forms on one page that both use the same script how
do I get only the fields on one of the forms to be submitted? If that
makes any sense.
Jeff Oien

On Saturday 03 November 2001 11:28 am, you wrote:
> If I have two forms on one page that both use the same script how
> do I get only the fields on one of the forms to be submitted? If that
> makes any sense.
> Jeff Oien

as long as you enclose each form within it's own set of <form>...</form> tags 
and make sure the submit button for each form is within those tags, it should 
only submit one form at a time. (also make sure that you don't assign the 
same "name=" parameter to both forms)


> On Saturday 03 November 2001 11:28 am, you wrote:
> > If I have two forms on one page that both use the same script how
> > do I get only the fields on one of the forms to be submitted? If that
> > makes any sense.
> > Jeff Oien
> as long as you enclose each form within it's own set of <form>...</form> tags 
> and make sure the submit button for each form is within those tags, it should 
> only submit one form at a time. (also make sure that you don't assign the 
> same "name=" parameter to both forms)
> --kurt

I was missing a closing </form> tag in there. Thanks for letting me know
it should work, that helped me figure it out.
Jeff Oien

I tried and tried.  I finally got it to work (multipart/alternative) after 
reading the rfc.  Read RFC 1521 at  Look at section 7.2.2.  It will 
tell you all you need to know.

By the way everyone, from, WHICH I AM SURE MOST OF YOU USE TIME TO 

"If something is not done VERY, VERY shortly, will have to be 
shutdown. has lost its funding and I cannot personally pay for the 
bandwidth needed to keep it operational.  The care and feeding is not a 
problem, paying for the bandwidth is.  I will shortly have none unless you 
can help"

If you can, take a look at and see if there is anything you 
can do.

-Jason Garber
At 12:30 AM 11/3/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>I've read all docs on how to send multiple attachments with mime headers...
>But all I get is the headers in plain text in the resulting e-mail!
>No attachments at all!
>Could anyone give me short working example please...
>PHP General Mailing List (
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>To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Jason G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scrawled:

> I tried and tried.  I finally got it to work (multipart/alternative) after 
> reading the rfc.  Read RFC 1521 at 
>  Look at section 7.2.2.  It will 
> tell you all you need to know.

RFCs 2045 - 2049 would be a better read. Also, there's a class here:

that will handle mime mail for you.

Richard Heyes

I have problem with array function that return an array and preserved the key 
of the array argument. Take example of array_diff:
I have 2 arrays that has index 0,1,2, ... as the key, and use it as the 
argument, say $arrA, and $arrB,

$arrC = array_diff($arrA, $arrB);

since the key are preserved, arrC is no longer indexed from 0. Well, in most 
cases I don't care about the key if it's just indexed array. But since the 
key I preserved, I can no longer do

for($i=0; $i<count($arrC);$i++)
  echo $arrC[$i];

if it happens that the returned indedex in array C 19, 20,25, for example. 
Any workaround?

Reuben D. Budiardja

<input type=checkbox name="Option1"  value="440||014" ">
<input type=checkbox name="Option2"  value="340||015" ">
<input type=checkbox name="Option3"  value="240||016" ">
<input type=checkbox name="Option4 that also includes product of code 014"
value="440||000" >

I have the form (look at top) and i send values....normaly i had this code
(440||014 ... 1st value is prize and second code)

 while (list ($name, $value, $kod_prod) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS))
 $wartosc = explode("||", $value);
print("<br>[$wartosc[0] dolars ");
print("code :$wartosc[1] ]");

But now i want to make that if someone checks the "Option4 that also include
s product of code 014" and Option1 ... the form will say sorry you have choo
sen 014 already by choosing Option4.........

The javascript without sending the form.... someone knows the solution...

Big thanks even for reading this :)


how can i send bcc from my php @mail script.


"Nikola Karović" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how can i send bcc from my php @mail script.

mail( $to, $subject, $message_body, "From: $from_name
<$from_address>\nbcc:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" );

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC


I need to put a small security feature in one of my page.
The page is open as a popup from another web site. By checking the referer I tought
I could block any other call to this page but the referer variable is often not set...
What else could I do? ( no ssl so far is available for this :(  )

Any advice, tutorial or doc on the subject would be helpful.

Hi all

Maybe I should be posting this on the Procmail list but someone here
might have a non-Procmail solution. I'm trying to get a PHP script to
process incoming email. The script will lookup a database and do
something depending on the mail headers. I'm running on a FreeBSD
virtual server account with sendmail as the mta. I've searched the
archives and read numerous discussions about this but I'm not quite
sure what my best option is.

Most suggestions say to use aliases or Procmail to pipe to PHP running
in cgi mode. I'm trying to avoid that because I have PHP running very
nicely as an Apache module and disk space is at a premium so I don't
want to waste another 4 Mb or so on the cgi executable.

Another idea is to send the mail to a pop mailbox and use PHP to poll
the mailbox every five minutes or so. I can hit a PHP script from cron
using wget.  I'm not really thrilled with the idea of polling and the
delay could put some users off.

It seems that I could do with a way of writing a message to a unique
file and then calling the PHP script with wget. The script can then
read the file. I almost have this working with Procmail by using a
maildir type mailbox but its back to front, I can only call PHP before
the message is written to the file because Procmail stops once it is

I'd appreciate any suggestions or ideas.


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On Saturday 03 November 2001 02:08 pm, Ross wrote:
> Maybe I should be posting this on the Procmail list but someone here
> might have a non-Procmail solution. I'm trying to get a PHP script to
> process incoming email. 

I'm sure it can be done with PHP, but my first thought was "why would you 
want to?"

Is there a specific reason you want/have to use PHP for this particular 
project?  PHP is a great web scripting language, but it's not designed as an 
incoming mail processing tool, so it likely won't do as good of a job as 
procmail or other similar tools that are written expressly for mail 

>It seems that I could do with a way of writing a message to a unique
>file and then calling the PHP script with wget. The script can then>
>read the file. I almost have this working with Procmail by using a
>maildir type mailbox but its back to front, I can only call PHP before
>the message is written to the file because Procmail stops once it is

If you're looking for something that can look up data in a database and 
manipulate message headers based on the return data, then I'd say Perl is a 
better option since it will provide a better blend of powerful text 
processing with web and database enablement.  Specifically, the Mail::Audit 
perl module available (for free) at  It's intended as a procmail 
replacement, but with easier syntax and is written in Perl, so you can easily 
modifiy it to hook into a database.   

(If you're just playing around with PHP, trying to see what you can do with 
it, then by all means, give it a whirl and let us all know how it turns out.  
 If not, then hopefully mail::audit or something similar might help you out.)


> Maybe I should be posting this on the Procmail list but someone here
> might have a non-Procmail solution. I'm trying to get a PHP script to
> process incoming email. The script will lookup a database and do
> something depending on the mail headers. I'm running on a FreeBSD
> virtual server account with sendmail as the mta. I've searched the
> archives and read numerous discussions about this but I'm not quite
> sure what my best option is.
> Most suggestions say to use aliases or Procmail to pipe to PHP running
> in cgi mode. I'm trying to avoid that because I have PHP running very
> nicely as an Apache module and disk space is at a premium so I don't
> want to waste another 4 Mb or so on the cgi executable.
> I'd appreciate any suggestions or ideas.

Following your comments about HDD space, would the PHP-IMAP functions be any use?
Annotated manual: XXXVII. IMAP, POP3 and NNTP functions

Hello, and thanks for your time. First time...

I saw a great resource on installing php on raq 3 (What I have, linux)

but the thing is I have mysql installed

when I do am done downloading, it says to use:
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql 
--enable-track-vars --enable-trans-sid --enable-ftp

Ok, but I have mysql. Should I remove the --with mysql ...
and to have GD support, do I need a 'with gd ...'
if so, what would that be? (I thought it was included)

Or if I install postgres. Should I do that first?
Do I need *Specific* syntax for postgres, such as --with-mysql=/usr/...

? To me, this is something I don't want to assume, I don't want to 
futz up anything. 

I figure this is the best place to ask for a no bs straight forward fact 
based answer

thanks a ton, sorry for this being asked 100000th time by me, another newbie



> Hello, and thanks for your time. First time...
> I saw a great resource on installing php on raq 3 (What I have, linux)
> but the thing is I have mysql installed
> when I do am done downloading, it says to use:
> ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql 
> --enable-track-vars --enable-trans-sid --enable-ftp
> Ok, but I have mysql. Should I remove the --with mysql ...

Depends, use which ever works better for you.

> and to have GD support, do I need a 'with gd ...'
> if so, what would that be? (I thought it was included)

Read manual and do "./configure --help" for this

> Or if I install postgres. Should I do that first?

Yes. You need libpq and headers.

> Do I need *Specific* syntax for postgres, such as --with-mysql=/usr/...

If you install postgres to default locations, it's not required.

Yasuo Ohgaki

> when I do am done downloading, it says to use:
> ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql
> --enable-track-vars --enable-trans-sid --enable-ftp
> Ok, but I have mysql. Should I remove the --with mysql ...

If you want MySQL support in PHP you *must* include the --with-mysql option.
If you don't specify the location of the MySQL library files (the part after
the "=") then PHP will use its built-in libraries which is fine on the RaQ3.

> and to have GD support, do I need a 'with gd ...'
> if so, what would that be? (I thought it was included)

Yes, include --with-gd.  --with-gd=/usr should do it.  I don't recall what
version of GD is on the RaQ3 by default so you may want to check and if it's
old you may want to consider upgrading before installing PHP.

> Or if I install postgres. Should I do that first?
> Do I need *Specific* syntax for postgres, such as --with-mysql=/usr/...

Yes, you should install PostgreSQL before installing PHP.  I recommend
searching the list archives for cobalt-users.  You can find them at the AIMS
Group archive site, same site you referenced in your post.  It might be a
better idea to ask about the PHP install on cobalt-users (go to to subscribe, after searching the archives of course) since
everyone on that list is running RaQ systems, while my guess is that only a
fraction of the people on this list are.

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

I have a number like this 0.51 and I would like it to display without
the leading 0. How can I do this? Thanks.
Jeff Oien

php -> php-gtk

Jason Michael wrote:

> Does anyone know what the correct entry for the php.ini that allows you to
> to use sendmail in OSX 10.0.4 Server?

Sendmail support is disabled when OS is Windows, it should be able 
to use sendmail support with Mac OSX. (It it work :)

Yasuo Ohgaki

I have two private areas within each other. The parent folder has one and
then another inner folder has another authentication or private area using
http basic authentication for both of the above.

The problem is that when I enter the password of the Parent directory, the
password is set to SOMETHING - Then when I try to authenticate against the
inner folder, I set $PHP_AUTH_PW but now, I get the password dialogue again
trying to authenticate me against the parent directory.

Thus, if I enter the Parent directory password, and then try accessing that
inner folder again, I will have to enter the password for that inner
directory which is in the Parent directory - And when I do that, a password
dialogue pops up again trying to authenticate me on the Parent directory,
and so on!!

One solution is to use the same username & password for the Parent directory
and inner directory. However, I want to use different passwords and user
names on those directories!!

Any solutions!

Ok, but how do I use post when using Header??

I would like to have a form, but I don't know how I would make the
script automatcially re-direct in a form... becase I know how to use
form variables that way.

But all I can think of is using header, yet that displays the
variables as its like get :(


--- Steve Werby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "sunny AT wde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i've written a form, which passes value to a ph script to insert
> them
> > into mysql. from there on, i forward onto another page, but using
> :
> > header("Location:";);
> >
> > now i really don't want to have the url on the next page looking
> like
> > that because people might change the values, refresh the page and
> > mess up my database.
> >
> > so is there any other ways i can pass values on??
> Perhaps you should consider using the POST method instead of the
> GET method.
> Then the variables are not displayed in the query string.  If you
> are
> passing across a series of pages, after the first page you'll want
> to add
> the variables you're going to pass to hidden input fields or use
> session
> variables which will make the variables available throughout the
> user's
> session or until you destroy the session.
> --
> Steve Werby
> President, Befriend Internet Services LLC
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail:

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