
Thanks for your input!
I've only had brief exposure to PHP's SOAP (I'm from the Java camp) and I
didn't find the documentation very clear (and for that matter, the book I
bought on "Pro PHP XML and Web Services" doesn't cover Headers except from
the consumers point of view). I'm amazed at the simplicity of it.


My manager has approved me to work on SCA - specifically the implementation
of header support.

I suggest we work on the semantics of how this should work.

I think we should have an annotation above the class that defines which
function is going to process the header from the client, and annotations
above that function which defines the datatypes and such, for example:

 * @service
 * @header authinfo
class service {

     * @param username $username http://accounts/Account
     * @return status http://accounts/Account
     function authinfo($username) {



If you have any thoughts, please let me know as I'd like to start work on
this as soon as possible.



On 3/2/07, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1 Mar, 21:31, "Kieran James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've only had a small amount of time to review the PHP SOAP extension.
> To
> > summarize from my brief exposure to it, I think that SoapHeader
> consumption
> > on the server side wouldn't be difficult to implement. I am still
> > investigating this, though time is scarce for me.
> >
> > If I've not been clear enough on anything, please let me know.
> I am not sure if I'm missing something or not, but a SoapServer does
> process the headers as long as they are defined in the WSDL.
> It also will fault if header set to mustUnderstand and the function
> not implemented or not defined in WSDL.
> The only times the raw XML needs to be processed to access the headers
> is in the case of it not defined.
> <?php
> $xmlinput = <<<EOXML
> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="
> envelope/" xmlns:ns1="urn::robTest">
>   <SOAP-ENV:Header>
>     <ns1:AuthenticationInfo>
>       <username>MYLOGINID</username>
>       <password>MYPASSWORD</password>
>     </ns1:AuthenticationInfo>
>   </SOAP-ENV:Header>
>   <SOAP-ENV:Body>
>     <ns1:GetTestList>false</ns1:GetTestList>
>   </SOAP-ENV:Body>
> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
> function AuthenticationInfo($authinfo)
> {
>         if ($authinfo->username != "MYLOGINID") {
>                 return new SoapFault("F998", "Invalid USername");
>         } else if ($authinfo->password != "MYPASSWORD") {
>                 return new SoapFault("F999", "Invalid Password");
>         }
> /* Return value here would be used to add header to response */
> }
> function GetTestList($getAll) {
>    return $getAll;
> }
> $server = new SoapServer('');
> $server->addFunction("GetTestList");
> $server->addFunction("AuthenticationInfo");
> $server->handle($xmlinput);
> ?>
> Rob
> >

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