Edit report at http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=9867&edit=1

 ID:               9867
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      mfp at php dot net
 Status:           Assigned
 Id:               9867
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          SCA_SDO
 Operating System: WinXP
 PHP Version:      5.1.6
 Assigned To:      tuscany
 New Comment:

After raising Tuscany JIRA 1231 I found Tuscany JIRA 1112 which I had
raised earlier. 1112 is the JIRA that covers this. It has been open for
three months though.

Previous Comments:

[2007-05-09 05:36:14] phpsoa at gmail dot com

just testing to see to where this comment gets emailed - please ignore


[2007-04-24 13:09:38] mfp at php dot net

My mistake, Tuscany 962 is fixed and not quite the same as it affects
open types. I have raised JIRA 1231 instead


[2007-04-24 11:11:24] mfp at php dot net

Although there are several problems reported here, I think this is
partly covered by https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TUSCANY-962

In that JIRA, the problem of something being in the default namespace
when it should be in its own is raised. I think it best to wait for a
resolution to that and see if any part of this defect still stands.


[2007-01-31 07:21:20] mfp at php dot net

I just came across what I think is another example of this. Now I
understand better how namespaces work, I suspect it is more common than
we realise. 

Here's the example in a nutshell:

Catalog.xsd defines a catalog element in the catalogNS namespace, which
contains items defined in a different namespace in a different file,

<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";

 xmlns:cat="catalogNS" xmlns:ord="orderNS"

  <include schemaLocation="Order.xsd"/>

  <element name="catalog" type="cat:CatalogType"/>

  <complexType name="CatalogType">


      <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="ord:item"/>




Order.xsd defines the item element as being in the "OrderNS"


<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";

xmlns:ord="orderNS" xmlns:cust="customerNS" targetNamespace="orderNS">


  <element name="item">


but when you build a catalog and write it out, although a namespace
prefix is defined for "orderNS", everything is in the default namespace,

<catalog xmlns="catalogNS" xmlns:tns="catalogNS"




[2007-01-18 08:46:57] mfp at php dot net

I have been quite sceptical about the XML that SDO is producing when it
builds a SOAP request, especially w.r.t. the namespaces. So I tried
loading the XML that SDO is producing into Java XERCES with validation
on. There are several problems with the XML generated, I think.

Using the two xsds that are in the reproduce section below, and the
short PHP script also there, SDO generates:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<BOGUS xmlns="http://Component"; xmlns:tns="http://Component";
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xsi:type="add">








There are three (!) things wrong with this.

1. XERCES will not accept the xsi:type="add". I do not really know why.
I assume this is because there is no type called "add", it's only an
element. So I do not think this should be coming out. 

2. name should not be in tns2=http://www.test.com/info, neither should
"first" and "last" be in the default namespace of http://Component. The
person.xsd has no elementFormDefault, so the elements below <person>
should all ne in the no name namespace. 

3.You have to change the person.xsd to see the third thing: put
ElementNameDefault="qualified" in

the person schema, then "name", "first" and "last" should all now be
coming out in the http://www.test.com/info namespace, but it makes no
difference to the generated XML. 

Reproduce code:

$xmldas = SDO_DAS_XML::create('types.xsd');

$person =

$name = $person->createDataObject('name');

$name->first = "Will";

$name->last  = "Shakespeare";

$add = $xmldas->createDataObject('http://Component','add');

$add->person = $person;

$xdoc   = $xmldas->createDocument('', 'BOGUS', $add);

$xmlstr = $xmldas->saveString($xdoc, 2);

echo $xmlstr;



    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; 




      <xs:import schemaLocation="person.xsd"

      <xs:element name="add">



            <xs:element name="person" type="ns0:personType"






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; 



    <complexType name="nameType">


                        <element name="first" type="string"></element>

                        <element name="last" type="string"></element>



        <complexType name="personType">


                        <element name="name" type="info:nameType"></element>




Expected result:
see above

Actual result:
see above


Edit this bug report at http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=9867&edit=1

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