Kornel already gives you the ability to add your own custom extensions
(via -e). 

This is a very useful tool.

Nick Pack wrote:
> Can .phtml be added to the extensions list, for all us ZF users ;)
> Thanks
> On 08/07/2009 16:20, "Kornel Lesinski" <kor...@aardvarkmedia.co.uk> wrote:
>> I'm going to release 1.2.0 soon.
>> I've created tool that can scan all PHPTAL templates and look for
>> errors:
>> https://svn.motion-twin.com/phptal/trunk/tools/phptal_lint.php
>> 1. Install latest PHPTAL beta (or check it out from SVN)
>> 2. Run from command line:
>> php phptal_lint.php /path/to/your/templates/
>> There are known problems with the lint tool:
>>   € it doesn't understand custom TALES modifiers, so it will wrongly
>> report them as errors (custom modifiers are OK in PHPTAL 1.2, just
>> phptal_lint.php isn't perfect yet)
>>   € same with prefilters
>>   € templates need to use one of .xml/xhtml/html/zpt/tal/tpl file
>> extensions.
> Nick Pack
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