Dear list,

I've found a few spelling mistakes in the manual. English is not my fist
language and I'm not sure if this is the right place to mention it but
here I am ;)

-) In the section "Why use PHPTAL":

TAL hides most of its logic in XML attributes, preserving syntax and
strucutre of XHTML.

It should be "structure" instead of "strucutre":

-) In the section "Creating custom expression modifiers"

Any PHP function starting with "phptal_tales_" is usuable as a modifier.

It should be "usable" instead of "usuable".

-) In the section "Configuration methods":

Boolean attribtes (checked, selected, etc.)

It should be "attributes" instead of "attribtes".

PHPTAL will change DOCTYPEs to <!DOCTYPE html>. Namespace declarations,
name prefixes, explicit CDATA sections and other HTML-incompatible
constructs will be ommited.

It should be "omited" instead of "ommited".

This mode is not a "tag soup". PHPTAL will close all elements properly
and quote attributes when it's necesary.

It should be "necessary" instead of "necesary".

Specify charcter encoding used by your templates.

It should be "character" instead of "charcter".

Since most common use of execute() method is to echo its output, PHPTAL
offers convenience method that echoes output immedately without buffering.

It should be "immediately" instead of "immedately".

Thank you for PHPTal, keep up the good work,


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