I needed to generate several templates all using the same set of data so I populated a single template and then reset the template before each execute.

However using setSource() to load a template instead of setTemplate() does not seem to properly reset the state of the template. I added the two lines

        $this->_prepared = false;
        $this->_functionName = null;

from setTemplate() to setSource()  to force the reset.

     * Set template from file path.
     * @param $path string
    public function setTemplate($path)
        $this->_prepared = false;
        $this->_functionName = null;
        $this->_path = $path;
        $this->_source = null;
        return $this;

     * Set template from source.
* Should be used only with temporary template sources. Use setTemplate() whenever possible.
     * @param $src string The phptal template source.
     * @param path string Fake and 'unique' template path.
    public function setSource($src, $path=false)
        if ($path == false)
            $path = '<string> '.md5($src);

        require_once PHPTAL_DIR.'PHPTAL/StringSource.php';
        $this->_source = new PHPTAL_StringSource($src, $path);
        $this->_path = $path;

        return $this;

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