Am Donnerstag, den 10.12.2009, 14:32 +0000 schrieb Bas:
> If I create the following construct in a template PHPTal will throw an
> error, 
> saying that the variable item cannot be found: 
> <tr tal:repeat="item itemList"
> tal:condition="not:item/someBooleanVar">

did you try:
<tr tal:repeat="item itemList"


> The following, however, works just fine:
> <tr tal:repeat="item itemList" tal:attributes="item
> sf/someBooleanVar">
> I realise I can do this, to gain access to the variable anyway:
> <tal:block tal:repeat="item itemList">
>     <tr tal:condition="not:item/someBooleanVar">
> </tal:block>
> But I would like to know the reasoning behind why the variable is not
> available 
> in the tal:condition attribute while it is available in
> tal:attributes. Is this 
> a bug perhaps?
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