On 04-03-2010 at 13:45:44 Ivo Võsa <i...@insert.ee> wrote:

Hello, with markup like this

<div phptal:cache="1m per string: 1"> 1 <div phptal:cache="1h per string: 2"> 2 </div> </div>

i'm getting following results:

request 1:
<div> 1 <div> 2 </div> </div>

request 2:
<div> 1 <div> 1 <div> 2 </div> </div> </div>

request 3:
<div> 1 <div> 1 <div> 1 <div> 2 </div> </div> </div> </div>

and so forth.

Indeed. Thanks for good test-case. The bug is fixed in SVN.

regards, Kornel

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