Update of /cvsroot/phpweather/phpweather/docs/src/latex
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv19685

Added Files:
        apidoc.tex intro.tex main.tex phpweather-a4.tex 
Log Message:
The LaTeX sources. By running one of either phpweather-a4.tex or
phpweather-letter.tex you can produce the documentation for either A4
or Letterpaper.

--- NEW FILE ---
\chapter{API Documentation}

The following information has been generated from the doc-comments found in
the sources for \phpw.

% Start of class base_object.


\caption{The relationship between \class{base\_object} and other classes.}

Provides some basic capabilities like error-handling and handling
of defaults.

[...2892 lines suppressed...]

\item[string \variable{\&\$}{country}] parameter is passed by reference.
The name of the country that corresponds to the country-code is stored


\item[Return value] \textbf{array}\hspace{\labelsep} An associative array with the 
ICAO as the
key and the name of the station as the values. The name of the country is
not added to the name of the station.


% End of function get_icaos()

% End of class db_null.

--- NEW FILE ---

This is a guide as to how you should use \phpw.

\section{What is \phpw?}

\phpw is script written in PHP that can decode a METAR. The
METAR is fetched from the web and cached, so that the script
runs faster the second time someone asks for that particular
METAR. About 3000 airports from around the world makes these
METARs, so there's a good chance that you live near one of
The METARs contain information about the temperature, the
wind speed and direction, the clouds, the current weather, and
so on. The reports are updated once or twice an hour.


        \phpw produces a special kind of output known as \emph{pretty
        print}. It looks roughly like this:
This is a report for \emph{Aalborg, Denmark}. The report was made
\emph{33} minutes ago, at \emph{21:50} UTC. The wind was blowing at a
speed of \emph{2.1} meters per second (\emph{4.6} miles per hour) from
\emph{east} (\emph{100$^\circ$}). The temperature was \emph{16}
$^\circ$C (\emph{61} $^\circ$F), with a dew-point at \emph{15}
$^\circ$C (\emph{59} $^\circ$F). The atmospheric pressure was
\emph{1017} hPa (\emph{30.03} inHg). The relative humidity was
\emph{93.8\%}. There were no clouds below \emph{1524} meter
(\emph{5000} feet) and no cumulonimbus clouds. The overall visibility
was greater than \emph{10} kilometers (\emph{6.2} miles).

--- NEW FILE ---
% The documentclass is defined in phpweather-x.php, where x is either a4 or letter.


\newcommand{\Email}{\begingroup \urlstyle{rm}\Url}

%                  \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}%

\newcommand{\class}[1]{Class \textsf{#1}\index{#1@Class \textsf{#1}}}

\newcommand{\filename}{\begingroup \urlstyle{tt}\Url}

\newcommand{\phpw}{\emph{PHP Weather}\xspace}
  pdftitle={PHP Weather Usage Guide},
  pdfauthor={Martin Geisler, et al},
  pdfsubject={Documentation for PHP Weather}
\title{\phpw Usage Guide}
\author{Martin Geisler \email{[EMAIL PROTECTED]}\thanks{I would like to thank all 
the people who have helped me make \phpw. See the file \AUTHORS{} for a list.}}






% API doc.




--- NEW FILE ---
--- NEW FILE ---

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