I also have a need for a small formatted text weather for our airport
See example at http://n99.com/wx/phpwx.php

This is based on an old phpwx version, and I can't keep up with all the
changes going on with phpwx.

I really would like something that will give me the type of summary shown
in the example above with a simple configuration file, without having to 
the PHP source.


Lee Marzke

At 01:55 PM 3/15/01 +0000, you wrote:
>Firstly I have to admit to being a PHP novice and I've found it very very
>hard to work out what pretty_print is actually doing in order to modify it
>to my own ends.
>Have any of you folks got alternatives? I'm looking for a small compact
>output format to goin a left hand side navigation bar.

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