Hi PhpWebGallery folks,

Release 1.7.2 is available. This is a bug fixing release. Release
1.7.2 requires no database upgrade from release 1.7.x (you don't need
to run upgrade.php).

- bug fixed listed on http://bugs.phpwebgallery.net/changelog_page.php
- download page http://download.gna.org/phpwebgallery/release/1.7/1.7.2
- upgrade instructions on

The whole team is hardly working on the next big release that should
arrive in a couple of month. According to the numerous new features
and internal recodings, we have decided to increase the major version
number. The next big release will be 2.0.0, that is to say 6 years
after 1.0.0.

Stay tuned and read you soon on phpwebgallery.net!

Pierrick LE GALL <http://phpwebgallery.net>

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