Title: - user permissions ask update at each admin page generation. Table [...]
Commit from plg 2004-12-25 20:33 CET
- user permissions ask update at each admin page generation. Table
  user_forbidden must be updated only if current user is not in
  administrative section

- bug fixed : category.php, error on page title when non category selected

- admin/search : bug on variable $PHP_SELF, replaced by $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']

- admin/user_perm : inheritence management. When a category become
  authorized, all parent categories become authorized, when a category
  become forbidden, all child category become forbidden

- no more recursivity in delete_categories function

- new function get_fs_directories for future new method of synchronization

- new function get_uppercat_ids replacing several pieces of code doing the

- new function get_fulldirs used for metadata function get_filelist and
  future new method of synchronization

- new function get_fs for future new method of synchronization

- typo correction on lang item "about_message"

- no link to category privacy status management on user permission anymore
  (giving the menu item instead)
Module File name Revision
phpwebgallery language/fr_FR.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php 1.13 >>> 1.14
phpwebgallery language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/common.lang.php 1.40 >>> 1.41
phpwebgallery language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php 1.41 >>> 1.42
phpwebgallery include/user.inc.php 1.26 >>> 1.27
phpwebgallery include/functions_category.inc.php 1.57 >>> 1.58
phpwebgallery admin/include/functions_metadata.php 1.11 >>> 1.12
phpwebgallery admin/include/functions.php 1.43 >>> 1.44
phpwebgallery admin/user_perm.php 1.15 >>> 1.16
phpwebgallery admin/search.php 1.5 >>> 1.6
phpwebgallery category.php 1.61 >>> 1.62
phpwebgallery admin.php 1.27 >>> 1.28

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